Narrenspital unterwegs
Narrenspital unterwegs

Merry Signal Technicians

Lolomiina: 03.06.2020

The distant signal is at stop, the train will soon arrive. We wait.

Distant signal at stop
Distant signal at stop

We read the rather sparse timetable, we search for money to buy the ticket for the big journey here....

Ticket counter
Ticket counter

In front of us an adventurous lady who is trying to convince the conductor of her request in dialogue.

Killing time
Killing time

We wait patiently here on the smooth waiting bench, near us our Woelko caresses lovingly, he romps around vigorously...

Our Woelko playing
Our Woelko playing whistles three times. The train is being prepared for us on the sidetrack with dining car...

Train being prepared
Train being prepared

We quickly get on, order a totally overpriced and mega-bland gourmet goulash, so now we are ready to depart.

Gourmet goulash dining car
Gourmet goulash dining car

Tali (3)

Für 1,50 DM sollte es auf jeden Fall möglich sein. Ritzi ist bei mir. Tanzbär macht seine eigene Fesching, gestern schon im vollen Flug und heute nicht da. Und die Meise, naja Fehler über Fehler. Biz simdi kaybettik :(

Was macht Ellis Katze bei euch?

Kunststückle 😉

Lipoti o femalagaaiga Siamani