M und M International
M und M International

The Iguazu Falls (Brazilian side)

Lolomiina: 12.01.2023

Today it was the turn of the Brazilian side of the falls. We meet our tour guide Maria and driver on time, who first take us across the border to Brazil and then into the national park. There was only one path to walk on, but from there we had a beautiful frontal view of the falls on the Argentine side. And above all, there was (finally) a glimpse into the 'Devil's Throat', where the water comes rushing in from 3 sides.

Furthermore, you can also take a helicopter flight from the Brazilian side - which we of course did. The only downside was that there were not enough window seats for all passengers, so the viewing pleasure for filming M was not ideal. Overall, the falls from above did not make such a huge impression, but the many cascading falls are especially beautiful to see.

After we were dropped off again in Argentina, there was some free time left, and we could walk the upper circuit again, where a large group of monkeys entertained us.

The traditional evening program at the hotel was of course a must...

Today we had up to 38°C again, tomorrow we will be flying south to Tierra del Fuego, where it will probably be a bit cooler...

Just in case the internet has not reached Tierra del Fuego yet and/or we cannot find any nice photo opportunities, we will take a blog break - from 17.02.2023 there might be news from us again.


Lipoti o femalagaaiga Brazil