
World Youth Day Panama 2019 Part 2

Lolomiina: 31.10.2023

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

We got up at half past seven and had breakfast with the family. The mother then took us to the Cristo Rey Church because Maria had to be there by 8:30. I chilled a bit, looked at the church and this place of worship, helped the others with the preparations and finally went to the church for the morning praise. Then we continued upstairs in the parish hall. Two catechesis took place there, one by Erich Maria Fink about Mary, which was really interesting. He can talk really well. Afterwards the auxiliary bishop also held a catechesis, but although it was good, it wasn't that interesting. Immediately afterwards there was all sorts of information, none of us could sit down for a long time. When things finally got going, we had free time and went out to eat together. Those were Judith, Janina, Rebecca, Theresa, Johannes, Matthias and me.

We didn't have that long, because we soon met again at the church to go to the field together. The walk wasn't far, only about 15 minutes. There we were in sector A1, right by the sea. We chilled there, took photos, braided ribbons and swapped things. That was really nice and funny. We also chatted a lot. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see much of the service itself because the stage wasn't visible and I'm too small for the screen. There were Spanish speakers next to us who had the Spanish radio broadcast on and we had the English one. That was funny because it was completely out of time, even the songs!

Afterwards we slowly left the field, music was still playing, which we enjoyed and waited until the field was empty. We looked for something to eat together and even watched fireworks and sang. Especially children's songs. That was funny. At 9 we were back at Cristo Rey because I was supposed to swap host families. Because Maria is a helper at Cristo Rey and therefore often does not take part in the program, just like Biggi. Franzi and I, on the other hand, do. That's why we should swap so that Biggi should go to my host family and I should go to her host family. While we all waited, we played our tried and tested game of getting to know each other with names, ages, shoe sizes, toothbrush color and food processor. That was pretty funny.

Then it was time to swap: first the 4 of us went to my old host family. I packed up my stuff while Biggi explained the situation to her mother. She then called the new host mother and asked if that was true and what they were like. She then drove the three of us (without Maria, who had to stay there) to the new host family. We lived with a 94-year-old gentleman, almost a nursing case, but still an impressive figure with a strong voice. He gave us gifts and told us about his ancestors. Then a new one came, Michaela. She's a journalist and talks a lot, but she seems nice. Later we went to bed.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The day started with a shower and a conversation with Michaela. Afterwards we had breakfast together with our gastopia. He had to sort a lot of pills. And he told us a lot of things again. Then he had the chauffeur take us and himself to Colega La Salle, where many pilgrims were holding catechesis in different rooms. We were not only our group, but also groups from Trier, Mainz, etc. Because we were estimated to be around 400-500 people, our catechesis took place in the school's own church. Some other bishop held her and it was quite nice. But little stuck. It was probably about names and that God calls each of us by name. This was followed by a question and answer session in which (inappropriately) few questions were asked about catechesis, but mostly questions in general about gay marriage and women's priesthood.

This later developed into a really passionate discussion between Schorsch and me. Very interesting. And in the end we still laughed together. The service was also quite nice and after some information in the courtyard, Theresa, Johannes, Matthias and I went out together to look for something to eat. We found what we were looking for at Dominos, but we waited in line for ages. Nevertheless, we were able to talk well there and Johannes didn't stop. It took us so long to eat that we drove straight to the Cristo Rey Church and there was the Youth2000 Holy Hour, which means singing, praying and silence from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

And after that we actually wanted to go to the Youth Festival in the park, but on the way there we noticed that the Pope would be passing by that street and stayed there to see him. We waited for about an hour and Johannes kept us updated on where the Pope was and what he was seeing on the television. Then he actually came in the Popemobile, with a great escort of course, and everyone cheered him on. It was very moving to see him so close, about 10 meters away, even though he was driving by quite quickly.

Afterwards we went to the Youth Festival. Not only because we got lost, it took forever and it was already dark when we finally got there. There would probably be an exhibition and various workshops there during the day. There would have been one last workshop (Zumba), but we gave it up and instead chilled on the meadow and listened to the band playing (quietly). We walked around the park a bit more, met and hugged El Salvadorans (Free Hugs!) and then decided to go back to El Carmen and grab something to eat along the way. There was something similar to McDonald's and we ate there.

It was Night Fever in El Carmen, which means the church was completely dark, only the exposed monstrance was lit. The Jugend2000 band played quiet, calm music and it was another opportunity for confession. Afterwards we sat outside with a few others from our group and chatted. But mainly I waited for Franziska, but she didn't come and neither she nor Michaela answered their cell phones. At some point a few of Lisa's group said they would accompany me because I had the address.

A host sister with a car was there to pick Selma up and she agreed to drive me there. The area where she was going was completely unknown to me, but she said we were in the right place. We weren't. After half an hour of searching with several phone calls to the other two, we gave up and since it was already 1, I should just stay with her and Selma. That was very nice, but I was pissed. The others knew that I had never walked this path before.

Friday, January 25, 2019

I had to be at school at 8 today because today's service was organized by Jugend2000. So the band rehearsed before the mass started at 9. Auxiliary Bishop Wörner celebrated and preached about confession. Unfortunately I didn't understand much, but it must have been very good. Afterwards there was the opportunity to talk to the auxiliary bishop about the topic of homosexuality in the church and to discuss it in the group, but unfortunately I had to stay at worship because of the music.

Afterwards I mentioned to a few people that I would like to go to this big park. And presto, the jungle tour group consisted of 12 people: Andreas, Matthias, Jürgen and Jasmin, Corinna and her husband, Cornelia and Theresa, Franziska and Johanna, Maria and me. We wanted to walk to the park, we navigated with Google maps but didn't know exactly where the entrance was. We stopped along the way to get something to eat: we were so far away that we didn't have to queue and there was even a variety of food available.

Later on our way we suddenly found ourselves on a huge road - and according to the navigation system we should have been there. 3 people went to ask for directions. A police officer stopped and offered us a ride. We didn't say no. He had to drive three times, but only for about 3 minutes each time. Then we went inside.

A Panamanian explained everything to us and showed us a sloth. However, we weren't sure whether it was stuffed or not. Then we set off. It was very nice; We all agreed that the forest is great no matter where. We also met other Germans and Austrians. There were many different plants and we also saw a few animals: turtles, fish, lizards and a bat. And lots of insects. And ant trails. We talked a lot with changing line-ups. There were also two viewing platforms where you could get a great view of Panama City, the sea and the surrounding area. We stayed there forever, chatting and enjoying the view. I was persuaded to play sloth, so I hung on the tree. We stayed in the park until it was almost dark. First we went home by bus to the metro station. There we sang Laurentia dear Laurentia and the aviator song before we took the metro towards the old town. Corinna and her husband (who is Protestant) were no longer there.

We went to a pub for a beer (in 0.59l bottles) and I had a very nice conversation with Cornelia about death, but it wasn't depressing, just very personal. The live broadcast of the Stations of the Cross with the Pope was shown on television. Shortly before it was over we left again to be ahead of the crowds in the old town. The street right next to the pub was closed - apparently the Pope was supposed to come through here. So we waited for a moment, but then it turned out that he wasn't coming over after all and we set off. Then Cornelia and Theresa said goodbye. The rest of us split up briefly in the old town to get food and met again in the beautiful green space. The food was just there to fill you up.

Then we walked through the old town and looked for a bar. We found one and it was really classy. None of us have ever been in such a posh place. And we all drank cocktails, only Matthias and Johanna didn't bother and ordered themselves a few punches. Afterwards we went home and Jasmin and Maria were kind enough to accompany me.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The day started quite early, Franziska and I had breakfast very quickly, unfortunately Juan wasn't up yet. Together we took the subway to El Carmen. We arrived a little late, but that didn't matter. Immediately afterwards we wanted to set off straight away, but Janina and Judith were still missing. Still, we had to get going. It was really hot. First we took the metro relatively far out and then changed. We walked the remaining 4 km to the field. Because we were quite early there was hardly anyone out and about.

A few people were already standing outside their houses, handing out water and one even made homemade pineapple water ice cream. The food distribution area for packed lunches was right in front of the entrance. And then we all sat down in the shade because entrance to the field apparently wasn't until 2 p.m. At this point it was 10:30. Then it turned out that some groups were already waiting right in front of the entrance and so we did. And the sun was beating down, almost everyone was already sunburned. We went to the field earlier than expected and ran another 3 km because we were at the front in sector A1. I talked to Magda. Once we were seated we had a fantastic view of the screen – and even of the altar itself.

Before Virgil started in the evening, we ate and played werewolf together (Lukas was evil 6 out of 7 times), although that was difficult because the moderation was so loud and the game leader always had to shout. But it was funny. Later we played ninja, which is like kicking but with our hands. That was funny too. Finally we all stood at the fence because the Pope was supposed to come by. After a long wait, chatting with George and dancing to the music, he finally came over, but again quite quickly. The sun was already beginning to set. The evening atmosphere was magnificent.

The Virgil with two testimonies of faith (family with Down syndrome child and drug addict) was also beautiful. As far as I understood (Janina shared her headphones), the Pope was talking about love. That love is the most important thing. There was also a dance performance and finally a procession with the statue of St. Fatima. The mood was very reverent. Afterwards we played cards, but unfortunately I fell asleep during it. It was a hot, long day.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The day didn't start off pleasantly, because we were woken up at 6 by loudspeakers and presenters. And they shouted beautiful things like “Stand up! Are you ready to dance?” Very early in the morning! Apparently Schorsch had joined Janina, Judith, Rebecca, Rebecca, Meike and me that night. Judith had somehow gotten tickets for the T area (before A1) and gave me one too. We went there. Actually there would have been seats, but someone had swapped and distorted the chairs. So we just sat on the floor in front of the front row. The service was very nice. Although we couldn't hear a translation, we understood quite a lot (except the Polish reading). In the homily, the Pope said that we should not live in the future, but in the here and now. And that we young people are not the future of the church, but its present. He also said a little something about Maria that we didn't understand. The music was also good: orchestra and choir, live, amplified of course, very nice. And no hustle and bustle, you could really relax.

Immediately afterwards we made sure we got back to A1 and packed our things. Pretty soon we left the field with the masses. At first the crowd was enormous, the only chance was to hold on to the big Bayern flag. At some point I heard music from the side of the road; there were soldiers and police everywhere anyway. And these soldiers were playing music! That was basically the Panamanian Army Music Corps. Eventually more and more people in our group got together and it became really fun.

Residents of nearby houses splashed us with water and we sang our most beautiful songs (“Simply clap senselessly”, “Simply love Jesus”, “Simply praise Jesus”, “Just stand still”, ...) under the direction of Father Johannes, an incredible person cool guy who also took an active part in the water fight. We were at the metro station surprisingly early. The four of us chilled there for a bit. In the shade (Franziska, Klaus, Jürgen and me) until the biggest rush was over - we had time. It was about half past two by the time Franziska and I got home. We showered, relaxed and when Franziska finally left, I wrote a poem and talked to Juan.

Shortly before 6 we went to the parish hall in Cristo Rey for a colorful evening. There we had a very happy worship today, then we had pizza and then the official part of the program began. There was a puppet theater by Schorsch, a Polish priest played music and we learned a dance, then I recited my poem (it was well received), another song about WYD and finally the Voldermort sketch. And different games. Before that, everyone was allowed to come forward and share their most beautiful experiences with the group. Then there was dancing, but everything broke up relatively early because different groups went to different bars.

We went to a pub where there were 6 local beers to sample. I decided on a Chiriqui or something. Quite delicious. Johannes, Theresa and Franziska were there and about 8 others. And funny Stefan. We had to leave shortly before 12 for the metro, but my card no longer worked. Franziska's card is still there, but it's no longer there when you go out. Only Stefan's card worked perfectly. He then showed us the roof terrace of the high-rise building on the 19th floor. From there we had a really good view of Panama's skyscrapers. Finally we went to bed and Michaela complained, but that couldn't dampen the mood.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Food: for breakfast as usual, pizza for lunch, pasta on the plane in the evening

Program: trade fair, farewell, trip to the airport, departure

Highlight of the day: that everything went so smoothly when checking in, seeing everyone again, chatting with Juan in the morning


Lipoti o femalagaaiga Panama