
Hello, Mexico!

Publikovaný: 27.12.2021

Christmas, that excitement, my alarm clock rang again at 7 o'clock in the morning. For breakfast, I had a breakfast burrito filled with egg and bacon, along with a small coffee, paid for with my breakfast coupon for the canceled flight.

At the airport, then the certainty, drum roll, the flight would take place as planned. A matter of course or Christmas miracle?! I was relieved. Security check barefoot, two gate changes later, I was in the air.

After three hours, landing approach on Puerto Vallarta. The entry posed no difficulties, only at customs did a sniffer dog alert on me. My sweets? Nope, my bananas, 'no fruits!'

Then followed the way to the hostel at sunset. The last half hour then on foot in the dark through the colorful Christmas hustle and bustle and deserted side street, at 27°C. I was sweating by the time I arrived.

Finally, a welcome beer on the hostel's dime: arrived!!

Odpoveď (1)

:'( Geniess es! :-D

Cestovné prehľady Mexiko