
15th May 2023

Publikovaný: 15.05.2023

Last Thursday our class went on an outing Go-Carting and Bowling, but I really didn't feel like spending 60€ on it when I didn't really want to go anyway 😂 so I stayed at home, I washed my hair in the morning and then braided 14 braids.... when I took them out the next day and combed through them, they were so fluffy, I was really happy, my hair felt so amazing. Imagine if they were Pastel pink, like cotton candy ⬆️ but honestly, I love my hair.

On Saturday, Laura, Sarah, and I went to Cork, we walked around and around 2 we brought Sarah to the train station, as she had to go home earlier. Laura and I then went back to the city, ate a Langos at a stand, I was so happy when I saw the stand. Then we went to the museum because we didn't know what else to do and it's free entry so 🤷‍♀️ on the first floor, there were statues and a special exhibition, this time there were somehow different pictures and there were also more rooms to explore than the first time I was there. Around 4:15, we went to a bookstore because I wanted to get sushi for dinner and I didn't want to leave it out in the heat for too long... so we went to the store around 4:30, I ordered it and they said it would take about 15 minutes... yeah and our train comes at 4:55 and it takes us a little over 10 minutes to get to the train station, yeah we didn't plan that well 😅, anyway, we got my sushi and ran off, I called Amanda (my host sister) and asked her if she could try to hold the train for just a few seconds, like stand in front of the door or something, yeah she couldn't. Then I looked for the next train and we just walked at a normal fast pace since it was already 54 and we would have made the connecting train with the next train, but when we got to the station and heard a train, we sprinted off 😂 yeah we made it, we stormed into the train, completely out of breath, of course the Italians were sitting in the compartment where we ran into, the way they looked 🙄. And then of course the train still stood until 7 minutes past at the station 😂 well we made it and the sushi was really delicious 👍, I have to say, I will miss 'Plus and minus' and 'Akira', they make the best bubble tea and the best sushi I've ever had.

On Wednesday we are going to mallow to meet Sophie one last time, as she flies home on Sunday and she hasn't been in school for the last 3 weeks as she got injured and can hardly walk and her organization doesn't want to pay her host parents anymore, she has to go home, which I think is really unfortunate.

Well, there are still 19 days until I fly home, it's somehow crazy how quickly time flies.

Regards, Pia❤

15th May 2023 9.50pm


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