
Nice surprises and others

Publikovaný: 20.08.2023

A few days ago, Ireland lost some of its charm for me when we realized that many hikes with our dogs would not be possible.

BUT the Irish Search Dogs Association and Christian's targeted search revealed that the lands belonging to the Irish forest Coillte are accessible for dogs. Of course, you are almost never alone here, because there are great hikes that are really manageable for us. Today we were at Lough Derg, where it is beautiful, then we walked along the Shannon.

It is always great for me to see that blackberries are so abundant here, you almost don't have to bring any food! The people here are always nice too, the Bavarian usually says 'Servus' when he meets someone, here it is 'How are you' and meant just as nicely.

Our current campsite may not be suitable for luxury campers, but it has toilets and a warm shower, we even washed clothes extremely cheaply and got tips for excursions. It is simple, but it is completely sufficient, because for a change we have electricity again, so we don't have to cool everything with gas. The cool box is still in operation at the moment.

I am curious about County Galway, County Mayo, and Co. Luckily, we have a flexible ticket, because in some areas we might stay longer.

One thing is still missing from my to-do list: THE PUB WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE....

Unfortunately, there are sometimes not so great news from home, because the BRK Traunstein Rescue Dog Team had to let two dogs go within just 8 days. This takes a toll on you because giving comfort with words, where I would really like to hug someone, is not easy. A dog always looks right into the heart, even if I sometimes wonder if I really chose my two myself. The answer is always YES, that was me.

But I look ahead, life always goes on, even if it has certainly become a bit poorer in facets!


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