
Fashion show among animals

Publikovaný: 09.04.2019

Further at the east coast we can still record a penguin sighting. In fact, a (in numbers: 1) YEP (Yellow Eyed Penguin) ventured ashore in front of our eyes to waddle to its nearby nest. Unfortunately, we didn't have a camera ready, so the most beautiful pictures, as always in life, remain memories. Instead, I am showing a shell picture as a placeholder. Impressive shell.
Penguin substitute placeholder picture

At Surat Bay, which is named after an immigrant ship (three-master) that sank off the coast in 1874, we held a fashion show with the lively participation of sea lions. Controversial these days.
Surat Bay Fashion Show - this way

The participating sea lions were in a festive mood.
Curious looks are spreading

Audience in abundance

The beach is simply beautiful. For me, it was something that remained in great memory already twelve years ago. The sight of the surrounding hills, the vast beach and the sea. The arrangement, everything just fits. However, back then, the sea lions (aka audience of the fashion show) were more numerous.
The catwalk is open - Surat Bay

The models entered the catwalk under the watchful eyes of the critical audience.
Critical audience - Influencer sea lion 1
Are these supposed to be the fashion models?
Wannabe models - fools

Laughter spreads among the audience.
Ridiculing audience or the main actor?

The show quickly turns into a disaster. Especially after Lucky G gets shot down by an unknown hand, faster than its shadow.

The hand that threatens Lucky G is an old acquaintance.
The hand that shot Lucky G
Who brings Lucky G to justice?

In comparison to twelve years ago, tourism has tremendously increased and changed. The Catlins are the region southeast on the south coast. Here, the wonderful Curio Bay is an example; twelve years ago, alone with my best friend, camping right by the sea in a camper. Today, a huge campsite with tourist facilities and a surf school. There is not much adventure spirit and sense of freedom left. Nevertheless, from a natural point of view, still stunning and definitely worth a visit.
Cliffs at Curio Bay

Cliffs at Curio Bay in the wet

Cliffs at Curio Bay - hotspot


The day is coming to an end. The YEPs at Curio Bay are not showing up. It is also not the time for them, as we learn at the reception of the campsite. They currently stay in their nest and don't go out. Tzzz. Inconsiderate penguins don't think about tourism. Good for them!
