Hawaiian Sunday

Publikovaný: 08.10.2018

Our last Sunday here in Hawai'i - one last weekend, although we actually live quite timeless here - not even closed shops draw attention to a Sunday, because you can shop here on any day of the week. You could really get used to that.

We are also taking it easy today, in the early morning we go to the beach, read, write travel report and take a walk on the beach. But with bright sunshine it quickly becomes too hot and we look for a way out, in this case it leads us back to Lahaina. Today there is a local market here, where all sorts of different things are offered, there is always something to see!

After a subsequent visit to the swimming pool, where yesterday's surfing makes itself felt in the arms, we enjoy the afternoon at our home and then again at the beach, because a few clouds have now moved in, which provide pleasant shade.

This time the sunset is observed from yesterday's surfing beach, I count 28 surfers in the water, including very young experts (the youngest is probably about 8 years old) - you would rather be right in the middle of it...

All this accompanied by live ukulele music and hula dancing by a Hawaiian dance group - the atmosphere is simply perfect!

When printing out photos in a nearby drugstore, all the great experiences of the vacation are brought back to mind and it is amazing what we have experienced in less than 3 weeks.

At home we end the evening with a typical Hawaiian fish dish and I have to say, the Hawaiians are also culinary gods!
