
Two days with Lothar in the Rhön and Coburger Land

Publikovaný: 25.06.2022

Day 17 - June 22nd: Tann - Hilders - Frankenheim - Fladungen - Henneberg - Bad Königshofen, 105 km

Until Hilders, the bike path goes uphill easily. Then we have to cross the Hochrhön. We pedal on partially very steep paths to Frankenheim, where we enjoy a breathtaking view. Then we descend again and race down to Fladungen. We decide not to buy anything and to stop somewhere along the way. This is a fatal mistake because on the eastern side of the former border, there are a few villages, but no shopping or dining options. And we have to "pay" for that with a hunger knock and thirst slump. The mood drops briefly. In addition, Dominique is struggling with the heat.

Two landscapers know this as well and tell us about their experiences in the border area of the GDR. Since they lived in the restricted area, they had to show their ID card every time they entered or left their village, visitors needed a pass.

We have to make a big detour to find a supermarket. After that, we enjoy the evening atmosphere with beautiful views on our way to Bad Königshofen, where we stay at Hotel Ebner. The Ebner family impresses us a lot. As a family (patron, wife, and daughter), they manage a big hotel and a nice beer garden.

Day 18 - June 23rd: Bad Königshofen - Zimmerau/Rieth - Henneburg - Bad Colburg - Bad Rodach - Weißenburg vorm Wald - Neustadt bei Coburg, 85 km

And again, a sunny day awaits us. We cycle from Bad Königshofen back to EuroVelo 13, which leads through secluded villages to the source of the Franconian Saale and then past the Bayernturm to the former border crossing Zimmerau-Rieth. There, in addition to a GDR border pillar and a memorial stone, parts of the barrier system can be visited. We unintentionally leave the old border line and then ride with a few additional meters of altitude to Bad Colberg, a picturesque little town that now houses a large spa clinic on its outskirts, which doesn't fit in. Now it's not far to the destroyed village of Billmuthausen. Again and again on our tour, we passed destroyed villages. Destruction means resettlement of the population and complete demolition of villages that have existed for many centuries. For the sole reason that the village was too close to the border and therefore escape attempts would have been easier. In Billmuthausen, the transformer tower and parts of the cemetery are still standing. It's insane and unbelievable. Tears come to our eyes at the sight.

In Bad Rodach, we refuel at the bakery for the continuation of the journey and say goodbye to Lothar, who rides directly to Coburg by bike and then takes the train back home. That was a great and unforgettable experience. Thank you, Lothar!

We look for the border trail again and have to climb again to reach the watershed between the Rhine and Weser. Through lonely corners, we go uphill again. After the reservoir in Weißenbrunn, we take the bike path towards Coburg and then turn off in Rödental towards Neustadt bei Coburg, where we have booked a hotel.
