
Christmas Rocky Mountain Tour with BoB

Publikovaný: 10.01.2018

I know it's really late, but I just haven't had time to write. The 4 days in the Rocky Mountains were amazing. We spent each evening in a different hotel, and while the quality declined from evening to evening, it was always fun xD We had to share 2 double beds with 3 guys... we took turns, but it was still weird somehow. On the first evening (Squilax), we stayed in a hotel owned by the indigenous people here and we had a big bonfire in some sort of igloo or earth hut, and one of the Native Americans told stories and then we grilled marshmallows.

Day 2: We visited Banff National Park and in the evening we went out to party, because in Alberta you're considered an adult at 18 :D it was really funny, the German girls we met on the trip were already making out with random guys xD it was hilarious.

Day 3: We were in Golding, where it was -33°C, and we went snowshoeing, which means trudging through the woods with those snowshoes and looking for bears. But we only found a few claw marks on a tree^^ After that, we took a gondola up to the highest mountain and enjoyed the view. It was really amazing to have so many mountains and so much snow around, and especially so much nothing. Like, zero civilization xD

Day 4: Mostly a bus ride back to Vancouver. In between, we made a few stops at nice landscapes and at a big mall where we had lunch and did some shopping, but there was simply NOTHING to buy, even though it was Boxing Day and everything was 50-80% off.
