Alone again, together again, back in Auckland

شايع ٿيل: 18.10.2017

On our way back to Auckland, Marius went his separate way, wanting to spend more time in the Northland, while we returned to Auckland to make some final improvements to Roger.

After much consideration, internet research, and conversations with other backpackers, we decided, albeit with some apprehension, to make Rogi self-contained.

Self-contained means that Roger is officially a campervan. We have our own toilet, fresh water, and wastewater tanks. However, getting a certification is not as easy as it used to be after the standards changed.

But since the certification would also make it easier to sell the car, we decided, despite the risk of potentially wasting money and time (if we don't get the license), to independently convert Roger.

Once we had everything we needed, we were welcomed back by Paul and his lovely family. We were served the best food we've had in New Zealand so far and got to use Paul's tools, washing machine, and shower. Paul knows exactly what backpackers need!

The best part was that Domi was allowed to borrow a surfboard from Paul. Domi's eyes were shining like those of a child because he was so excited about it. He had long dreamed of exploring New Zealand's famous surf beaches.

After the relatively smooth conversion, Rogi didn't look as flawless anymore. It now appears a bit "cobbled together," but as they say, it's not the external appearance that matters, but the internal one, namely that its engine never lets us down. :-)

After dinner, we left Auckland towards the Coromandel. However, the farewell was not long-lasting, as we had to return to Auckland once again to meet our appointment with Roger's inspector.

And off we went, tuckering along the winding roads of New Zealand, listening to Wanderer by Mogli, and looking forward to the next few days.


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