USA 2022 - The Great Comeback
USA 2022 - The Great Comeback

3rd day - 13th February 2022

شايع ٿيل: 14.02.2022

The motel in Savannah is simple but basically totally fine. Just my road trip standard. After a meager breakfast, which is not worth mentioning, we head directly into the city because at 10:00 a.m. a tour booked by Rose begins. The duration is stated as 3 hours, including bus and boat rides.

Our guide is Catherine, who also drives the bus. I don't like her from the beginning. I can't explain it exactly, but I simply can't stand her. Nevertheless, she naturally has incredible knowledge about the city, but she can be quite annoying by commenting on every traffic action by others. And she does it quite impolitely. She answers questions as if she thinks the questioner is completely stupid. And her jokes are neither funny nor original, but she thinks highly of herself.

After enduring her non-stop talking for 1.5 hours, I think that the boat ride should follow soon. But no, there's a 2-hour break scheduled. This completely ruins our schedule because we still want to drive further. When we tell her our problem, she gets snippy. That's the moment when I would have liked to hit her. Symbolically, of course. Rose is also upset, and she's usually very calm.

We leave the bus before the boat tour and Rose asks for a refund at the office. The lady there is a completely different caliber, very nice and accommodating. After verbally attacking the witch without her being present while having a coffee, we make our way to Charleston. Savannah was a beautiful town, but it was somewhat tainted by this strange person. Even if Forrest Gump sat on a bench there, imported from Hollywood, it wouldn't change that.

The drive to Charleston takes about 3 hours and we pass through swampy areas often. It reminds me a little of Louisiana. The hotel where we are staying is an absolute gem. A great room and a very nice atmosphere. And the best part is the wine tasting at 4:00 p.m. Sitting on the rooftops, we can drink as much wine as we want and eat as many small snacks as we can, as our great host Jennifer tells us. We gladly accept the offer and have a great time there. What a contrast to this embarrassing morning.

Since we are near the city center, we decide to visit the French Quarter tomorrow morning and simply go out for a nice dinner tonight. It's Super Bowl Sunday and yet the restaurants are quite crowded. I find the food overrated and expensive, but Rose enjoys her whole fish and it looks really great. However, our server is truly charming and in the end, you can't always do the same thing. After dinner, we stroll through the streets singing a little - I better not mention the title - and stop by a bar for a nightcap before our hotel wishes us good night.

جواب (2)

Ein Bild von Catherine wäre nicht schlecht 😉

Die willst du nicht sehen!

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