Day 39 - Soft

شايع ٿيل: 12.06.2019


With the plan to make the most of the scooter until we have to return it at 16:00, we take off around 10:00 after getting up, this time heading north to visit the villages and a rice paper factory. Before that, we stop at the outskirts of the city at a crocodile farm. 'Farm' because these are crocodiles that are to be slaughtered later. The experience was relatively uneventful as the reptiles, as you know, were just dozing in the sun. However, a highlight was when we were allowed to hold a young crocodile in our arms at the end - softer than expected!

It's very pleasant to get out of the city and soak up a bit of rural life. We drive along a river, past waving children, and finally arrive at the rice paper factory - where the famous summer rolls are wrapped and also offered; of course, we won't miss that. For 20 cents each, we try both variants and are thrilled (9/10).

After a quick snack, we ride around a bit more and make our way back to the city. Since we still have plenty of time, we continue to a place where you can observe flying foxes (because we haven't had enough of bats yet). Once again, we zigzag our way past monstrous potholes. This time, too, we arrive unscathed at our destination and stand in front of a temple in a small village. 'It must be right here,' says Jonna, looking at her map; but we don't read any signs and don't see any tourists either. Jonna goes to a small stand and asks the owner about the flying foxes. He doesn't understand at first, and then, when the request is clear, simply points upwards - we are standing right in front of a tree with hundreds of flying foxes hanging from it. The sight of the seagull-sized flying mammals is quite impressive, especially when the mainly hanging animals take flight. After a short walk among the dangling animals, we make our way back home and, once we arrive in the city, drop off our scooter.

We take the opportunity to walk through the city again on foot.

Since evening has already arrived again, we want to go out to eat; our choice is a small stand right at the market. There is a woman sitting at a table frying vegetables, which you can pick out beforehand in a basket. We discovered the little fondue on the first evening, but we weren't brave enough to try it yet; that's what we're going to do now. our choice is: broccoli, cauliflower, meatballs, and mushrooms, a plate full for a total of 0.65€. It's a fun activity and also tasty but not really a culinary revelation (7/10).

Tomorrow is the last day in Battambang, check-out time is 12:00.

- Alex


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