
The red room and no curves.

شايع ٿيل: 13.05.2023

The holiday home last night was actually quite nicely furnished. Kitchen, bathroom and living area, even German television. Only the bedding and the lighting left something to be desired. A rascal who ………

Started early this morning then. At first, there were still a few nice stretches. Then came roads where village followed village. Simply terrible. And then came the great nothing. Kilometers of road without a house, no curves at all. Cruise control on, feet up, take a nap.

A dream for Harley riders for sure.

To get some variety, I occasionally took a detour onto one of the few country roads.

The Hungarian drivers are also a special kind. Some meticulously adhere to speed limits, but most of them don't care at all. It's quite normal to be overtaken on a really bad country road at an estimated 150 kph, the distance to the other car is also uninteresting.

Curves, yes, there is one every now and then. In Germany, it wouldn't be a big deal and not worth any signage. Here in Hungary, every time the warning sign "Caution curve" with a speed limit of 60. Most of these curves could easily be driven at 120.

But that's over now, I have arrived in Romania. Schengen adé, I had to show my passport for the first time. I drove on for about 80 km. Here, the foothills of the Carpathians begin. I have rented a cabin at a campsite here for two days. Tomorrow, I will explore the area without luggage.


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