
Ende Gelände

شايع ٿيل: 24.07.2021

The day started as usual, a bit late. But this time it didn't backfire. The ascent was in the forest and soon we reached the first pass. Then it went slightly downhill to Col de Paula where we refueled with some energy and, above all, brilliance. In the next valley floor, before a dried-up canyon, our stomachs started growling and we ate our baguette. Well nourished, we tackled the last kilometers in the strong afternoon sun and, after many obligatory drinking breaks, with much joy and sore feet, reached the destination Sospel. Once again, we showcased our potential as a cola advertising model. Unfortunately, with not much success except for a short small talk with the bus driver in FRENCH! Most likely, this brief conversation only took place because the bus doors were still open and he hadn't smelled our stench yet.

In fact, after another pass by bus, there were no more hills and we finally caught sight of the sea. Hooray! Upon arrival in Menton, we went to our apartment and got to enjoy the luxury of a washing machine after a week. Despite having washed our clothes by hand multiple times, the stench of our backpack contents would have been unbearable for the public. Almost feeling like locals, we headed to a pizzeria, where we were pleasantly surprised by the pizza and the delivery boy, but less impressed by the motivation of the service staff. And finally, the sea, where we watched the orange moon rise and later strolled along the promenade, where we even ran into some familiar people from our relatives. Late in the evening, we finally looked forward to the bed, which we spent 30 minutes trying to unfold. Once that was done, we also noticed that it wasn't particularly stable. But a bed is a bed, and we slept well.

P. S. Manfred just lounged around and slept again today. Lazy bum!

Summary of the day: In just four days, we have hiked more than we have in the past four years combined = 20 hours and 65 kilometers.

جواب (2)

"und vor allem Genialität", i cha nümme

Salut les filles. Nous sommes très fières de vous! Réjouissez vos jours au bord de la mer e n'oubliez pas de mettre la crème solaire. Bisou Mamma et Papa, Ruth et Martin

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