Große Reise Shannon
Große Reise Shannon

Outback - Days 5+6; Uluru and Kata Tjuta

شايع ٿيل: 27.03.2018


After a really cool night, which has never happened before in Australia, unless it rained, we spent the very hot afternoon at the campground pool.

In the afternoon, we went to the Uluru Camel Farm. Our camels were ready, sitting saddled and waiting for us to start. We were assigned the second last dromedary from the camel train. Lasseter couldn't wait and just stood up as soon as Leo was in the saddle. After the two guides convinced him to let me get on as well, and all our fellow riders were taken care of, we rocked off towards the Uluru Lookout.

It was really great to experience the Australian desert and see Uluru in the light of the setting sun on one of the 500,000 camels that are native to this area.


After a leisurely start to the day, we drove to the Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park.

The caves

Initially, we were skeptical if it was worth it since we had already seen the famous Ayers Rock or Uluru from a distance. But firstly, we can now say at the end of the day 'We walked the 10.6 km around Uluru in the extreme heat.' And secondly, it was even more impressive to see the structure and the caves of the rock up close.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the visitor center where it was cooler because there was shade.

At around half past four, we made our way to the Kata Tjuta, also known as the Olgas. After a short walk between two of the 36 large rocks, where I felt so small next to these giants, we admired the rock formation in the sunset. It was amazing to see how their color changed from a bright orange to a deep red.

We're pretty exhausted and ready for bed. We haven't had such an active day in a long time! :D


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