Salo’s Journal
Salo’s Journal

Medienprojekt / media project

شايع ٿيل: 09.11.2020

It's blog time. ;)

Last week we had a media project. Some of our students (including me) were selected to shoot a promotional video for the ranch. We answered questions about the ranch and much more... But I don't want to give away too much. Stay tuned for the result! ☺️ When the time comes, you'll find out more.

Then I added sunrises to today's picture gallery. I just had to show you the pictures. Isn't the sky amazing? 🌅 I see sunrises like these every morning when I go to the stable to take care of the horses. 🐴

This afternoon, I went with a staff member to the town of "Corry" and we visited some small shops. It was the first time that I really got to know the small town. There are some small cafes there. However, they were closed. But you can sit down there and if you want, you can also study. ;)

By the way, the next evaluation day is next Tuesday. Then, I have to submit my projects from this month again. The last evaluation day went well. I'm doing well with the tasks and I'm glad there are translators. 😂

My advisor is currently on vacation. She sent me a message in German and asked me how my projects were going. I was surprised. 😂 I think they also find it very cool to get to know a new culture. :D

I have already received praise that my English has really improved. I didn't even notice that myself before. 😅

In a few weeks, we will have our first official break. I'm already looking forward to it. I have plans for Thanksgiving. But I'll tell you more about that when the time comes. 🙃 I can already tell you that I won't be staying at the ranch during that time. 😉

Until the next news 👋🏻


It's blog time. ;)

Last week we had a media project. Some of our students (including me) were selected to shoot a promotional video for the ranch. We answered questions about the ranch and more... But I don't want to give away too much. Be curious about the result! ☺️ When the time comes, you will find out more about it.

Then I added sunrises to today's picture gallery. I just had to show you the pictures. Isn't it great how the sky looks like? 🌅 I see sunrises like this every morning when I go to the stable to feed the horses. 🐴

This afternoon I went with a staff member to the town of 'Corry' and we looked at small stores. It was the first time where I got to know the small town. There are some small cafés there. But they were closed. But you can sit down there and if you want to study there ;)

By the way: Next Tuesday is the next Grading day. Then I have to hand in my projects from this month. The last evaluation day went well. I'm getting along well with the tasks and I'm glad that there are translators. 😂

My advisor is on vacation at the moment. She wrote me a German message and asked me how my projects were going. I was amazed. 😂 I think they also think it's really cool to get to know a new culture. :D

I have already been praised that my English has really improved. I hadn't noticed that before. 😅

In a few weeks our first official break will be. I am looking forward to it. I have something planned for Thanksgiving. But more about that when the time comes. 🙃 I won't be staying at the ranch for that time, I can tell you that. 😉

Until the next news 👋🏻
