
Woche 4 Bač - Belgrade - Backnang - Belgrade

شايع ٿيل: 06.07.2018

On the very next morning, a stray dog starts to follow us. He wants to play and we try to get rid of him by ringing, stopping and spraying water. It only works when Dieter dashes off at full speed until the poor guy gets too tired.

We can take a detour to Croatia via a bridge and visit the small town of Ilok with a fortress. On the way back, our Swiss friend is waiting for us on the bridge and we spend the rest of the day together. The next destination is Novi Sad. The second largest city in Serbia impressed us, with its beautiful city center, nice street cafes to linger in, and a fantastic fruit and vegetable market.

Shortly before Belgrade, we camp in a garden with a family who has many animals. The chickens are curious and even run into the awning!

After 1760 kilometers, we reach our milestone Belgrade. We explore the diverse city for a day and a half, with its many churches and a fortress at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. The stark contrast in prosperity between the two major cities and the many villages we have passed through is striking.

In Belgrade, we found an excellent accommodation with Nenad. The hospitality is overwhelming. Over coffee and good conversations, we learn a lot about Serbia, and we feel at home. We can safely leave our bikes and luggage with him. As a matter of course, he also takes us to the airport.

We fly home for a day to celebrate Björn and Annabelle's wedding.

After a great celebration, we fly back to Belgrade the next morning.

جواب (1)

Hallo Karin und Dieter, weiterhin viel Spass und gute Fahrt. Wir haben Euch auf dem Schirm :-)