Komm, lass uns abenteuern!
Komm, lass uns abenteuern!

Arrived and take a deep breath (01.03.2020)

شايع ٿيل: 10.03.2020

After our grocery shopping yesterday, nothing stands in the way of a cozy breakfast under the palm trees. Into the car and off we go north on the Pacific Highway along the coast. We stop at Seal Rocks, a remote but very beautiful spot on the Earth. We spend the afternoon at the dreamy beach - Slip! Slop! Slap! - between high waves and another group of surfers. Normally, you can observe dolphins and a rare species of shark there, but they were noticeably absent. The sea tempted Miryam with snorkeling and rewarded her with a glimpse of a approximately 1m sized stingray. She couldn't stop marveling. After the relaxing afternoon, hunger drove us to the camping kitchen and a delicious vegetable pan emerged. 😁


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