Rain and storm

شايع ٿيل: 31.03.2024

Distance 0 kilometers, cum. 1,039 kilometers | Altitude 0, cum. 7,540

Last night I had Chinese dinner again. I ordered “happy family”, a dish that stays warm until the end and contains many different types of meat and vegetables. On the advice of a friend, I drank a glass of Rioja to calm my frustration with the bad weather. Like the day before, I came there in dry weather and came back in rain.

It also rained heavily and was windy at night. However, the hope of dry conditions during the day has vanished into thin air. The weather forecast for today looked so bad that I decided to wait another night here for safety reasons. From tomorrow it should finally dry out again.

To shorten the waiting time, I looked around the internet for possible sights. Since I can't visit them in person, I at least copied the picture of a monkey. These Barbary macaques are very well known and popular, although they steal everything they can. In any case, I would have gone there if the weather was dry. But why not? For obvious reasons I only took 2 pairs of shoes. The waterproof ones for cycling and the light ones for the evening. Both shouldn't get wet, but now there are such big puddles on every corner that it can't be avoided.

Two planes landed in quick succession. I think both were from Easyjet. After landing, they must taxi to the end of the runway, turn and taxi back to the airfield building. Later I saw them take off, but by then they were already in the air.

Yesterday evening I saw the large cruise ship in the port of Gibraltar, it is still there. Tankers regularly drive past outside and there is a large refinery not far away. I saw them on the way here.

Since it's difficult for me to go out, one of the countless pigeons comes to visit me to compensate. I give her a few breadcrumbs to thank her.

Later it only rained lightly and then I was pulled out. Simply sitting inside all day just doesn't work. But it is very cold and the big puddles are just disgusting. Because as soon as I step in there, my shoes are immediately soaked, but luckily I was able to avoid them all.

Now I hope that I can write another travel report tomorrow and make further progress on my journey.

Another one is a Chinese chino. Pedí “familia feliz”, a plato que se mantiene caliente hasta el final y contiene manyos different types of carnes and greens. Consejo de a friend, tomé a copa de Rioja to calm my frustration during the time. On the anterior day, it's all with the second time and the rain falls.

También llovió mucho y hubo viento por la noche. Sin embargo, the esperanza de condiciones secas durante el día se ha desvanecido en el aire. The pronóstico del tiempo para hoy parecía tan malo que decidí esperar other night aquí por razones de seguridad. A part of the mañana debería revolves around a secarse.

Para acortar el tiempo de espera, busqué en Internet posibles lugares de interés. If you don't visit in person, you can also copy the photo of the mono. These Macacos de Berbería are very conocidos and populares, even Roban todo lo que pueden. En cualquier caso, habría ido allí si el tiempo fuera seco. ¿Pero por qué no? Por razones obvias only 2 pares de zapatos. The impermeables for mounting on the bike and the lights for the night. Ambos no deberían mojarse, pero ahora hay charcos tan grandes en cada esquina que no se pueden evitar.

The aircraft arrive in rapid succession. Creo que ambos eran de Easyjet. Después del aterrizaje, the rodar hasta el final de la pista, girar and regresar al edificio del aeródromo. Después los vi despegar, pero para entonces ya estaban en el aire.

Ayer por la tarde vi el gran crucero en el puerto de Gibraltar, todavía está allí. For regular travel, there are cistern trucks and there is no need for a large refinery. Los vi en el camino hacia aquí.

If the result is difficult, one of the innumerable palomas will receive a visit for compensation. Le doy unas migajas de pan para agradecerle.

Más tarde llovió ligeramente y luego me sacaron. Simplemente quedarse adentro all day simplemente no function. But you have a lot of cold and the big ones are so simple. Porque tan pronto como entro allí, my zapatos are received immediately, pero afortunadamente pude evitarlos a todos.

Ahora espero poder write other information about the journey mañana and seguir avanzando in my journey.

Yesterday evening I went to a Chinese restaurant again. I ordered "happy family", a dish that stays warm until the end and contains many different types of meat and vegetables. On the advice of a friend, I drank a glass of Rioja with it to dampen my frustration about the bad weather. As on the previous day, I arrived in dry weather and came back in rain.

It rained heavily and blew heavily at night too. But my hopes of dry conditions during the day have evaporated. The weather forecast for today looked so bad that I decided to wait another night here for safety reasons. From tomorrow onwards it should finally be dry again.

To shorten the waiting time, I looked online for possible sights. Since I can't visit them in person, I at least copied a picture of a monkey. These Barbary macaques are very well known and popular, although they steal everything they can. In any case, I would have gone there if the weather had been dry. But why not? For obvious reasons, I only took 2 pairs of shoes with me. One pair of waterproof ones for cycling and the other pair of light ones for the evening. Neither of them should get wet, but now there are such big puddles on every corner that it is unavoidable.

Two planes just landed one after the other. I think both were from Easyjet. After landing, they have to taxi to the end of the runway, turn around and taxi back to the airport building. Later I saw them take off, but they were already in the air.

Yesterday evening I saw the big cruise ship in the port of Gibraltar, it is still there. Tankers regularly pass by outside, and there is a large refinery not far away. I saw it on the way here.

Since it is difficult for me to go outside, one of the countless pigeons comes to visit me to compensate. As a thank you, I give her a few breadcrumbs.

Later it only rained lightly and then I was drawn out. Simply sitting inside all day just doesn't work. But it's very cold and the big puddles are just disgusting. As soon as I step in them, my shoes are immediately soaked, but luckily I was able to avoid them all.

Now I hope that I can write another travel report tomorrow and continue on my journey.


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