
21/09/2018 - Sparkling in the Waipu Caves

شايع ٿيل: 10.10.2018

With a heavy heart, we said goodbye to "Whangarei" and began our journey back to "Auckland". It's hard to believe that we only have ten days left until we move out of our beloved and faithful car and move into an Airbnb accommodation... Therefore, we want to fully take advantage of and enjoy camping in the last few days. The destination for this was a campsite that shone with one of the most beautiful rear window views of the entire trip. As if time had stood still, we returned to the "Ruakaka Beach Holiday Park" after eleven months - and nothing had changed. The expansive view of the sea, the distant islands, and the diverse birdlife right outside the car door - simply wonderful here!
In addition, the campsite served as an ideal starting point for one last cave adventure in New Zealand. We went to the "Waipu Caves". This cave complex is free and accessible. The free cave became famous mainly because of its glowworms.
One last time, we put on our water shoes, rolled up our pants, and equipped ourselves with headlamps and flashlights. The entrance to the cave is relatively easy. The entrance area is flooded with light and there is no need for any major climbing. However, the cave has a very slippery ground (mud), which should not be underestimated! Shortly after entering, we came across a stream. At the same time, a guided tour joined us. Parts of a school class were led underground by a cave guide. Our mood was initially somewhat dampened. The many flashlights could make it difficult for us to see the glowworms. Not to mention taking photos. But when the class went ahead and presented us with the easiest way through the ankle-deep water, we recognized the potential! From then on, we followed the group. In addition to the many information about the limestone formations, we were shown the fastest route through the cave.

At the beginning, it takes a bit of courage to explore an unknown and dark world. But this feeling subsides with each new challenge mastered. In this case, it was mainly the relatively wide stream that flows through the Waipu Caves. Depending on the amount of rainfall, it could also become knee-deep.

We kept some distance from the school class and discovered the first glowing larvae. If you continue to follow the water, which by the way is neither cold nor particularly deep, you will reach the absolute highlight of the cave in about ten minutes. When the flashlights are turned off, you can see hundreds of glowworms on the ceiling! They hung over us like a starry sky - we have never seen so many glowworms in one place before. Countless, shimmering, blue lights - shining in the form of a Milky Way. We had packed our tripod in anticipation and started taking photos. This worked faster and better than expected! Both the larvae and the surroundings can be seen in the pictures. :)
After a short photo and rest break, we had to make a decision. The further path, which leads deeper into the cave, goes through a very low, flooded shaft. It was difficult to estimate how high the passage was - but higher than 1.20m most likely not! Without the school class, our journey would probably have ended here. But we saw them bend down and walk along the corridor - and somewhere the path must lead, right!? So, with the backpacks on our chests, we crouched down and off we went! Step by step... In addition to the disturbing height, another problem quickly arose. Even though we always oriented ourselves on the right wall, as here the cave floor could still be seen underwater, it was always uncertain how deep it could still get. Because when we looked to the left, we saw nothing but water. Estimating water depth? Impossible. Therefore, I supported Tobi with all my effort so that he could feel with his leg whether he would reach the ground. No chance, the passage was too deep. There we stood - the ceiling pressing against our backs, blood accumulating in our heads, and in the meantime, it was pitch dark and we were still in a cave.
A steep stone in the middle of the stream gave us hope. In a half split, Tobi climbed on it first and somehow managed to get to the other side. Then I followed him and quickly realized that the water on the other side was too deep for me. Now what? I looked around and decided to climb up the 45° inclined, slippery clay wall. Once at the top, I jumped down the climbed 1.50m. And there we stood - together on the other side of the bank. The situation relaxed as the cave ceiling rose to five meters. Take a deep breath and have a drink!
With all calmness, we explored the next chamber of the cave. We followed the paths and continued into the Waipu Caves. There we met the school class again, which increasingly took paths that became too narrow for us. Both the lack of head protection and our backpacks prevented us from continuing the adventure. To be honest, this was not a major problem because after mastering the demanding section, we were a bit exhausted... So, we preferred to admire the many stalactites and stalagmites and soon met the rest of the school class. When the two groups met, the joy and the need to share were immense. The cave became really loud!
Well, our moment had come - after all, there is no way around it. We had to cross the shallow passage a second and last time. Again, we oriented ourselves on the (this time) left side and therefore quickly returned to the glowworm heaven. We saved ourselves from the water and positioned ourselves on the slippery clay so that the class could pass us. While doing so, we observed how the cave guide sent the group, including the teacher, on all fours through an even flatter passage, which was also filled with a rapid. Genius, something like this definitely brings people closer together! :)
One last time, we let the natural phenomenon work its magic on us. The glowworms looked enchanting, impressive, and wonderfully beautiful. Truly magical!
To reach the exit, we waded through the stream, took a few final pictures, and were then extremely happy to be able to soak up light and fresh oxygen again. It was only now that we realized how dirty we had become on this adventure. But that didn't matter at all and we didn't care - because what will remain are the fantastic pictures, the strong emotions, and the priceless memory of the adventure in the Waipu Caves!

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Zum Glück habt ihr den Ausgang wieder gefunden. LOL

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