Byron Bay, Surf Town

شايع ٿيل: 28.05.2019

24.05 - 29.05

Byron Bay you have my heart!

'I wanna go surfing' Timo

'I loved Byorlin' Riel

'I wanna ride my bike up to the Beach, I am gonna riiiide (the waves) till I can't no more' Lene

'Wake up into the good life of Byron' Jelle

Yes, that would be our summary of Byron Bay! It was absolutely awesome.

So we arrived and were overwhelmed by our hostel. The Wake Up Hotels are generally known for being very good hostels, but this hostel resembled more of a small hotel complex than a backpacker accommodation. Our room even had a balcony overlooking the beach! There were also free surfboards, so the first thing we did was take a surf trip to the beach opposite. Full of enthusiasm, we practically flew to the beach and into the waves. Very confident, we started paddling out, because surfing can't be that difficult. Ha well, wrong thought. Paddling out, already the first challenge with waves up to a meter high, especially I struggled visibly. When that was finally done and I had finally managed to turn my huge surfboard, a glance at the beach made me stop. But it looked different than before... but I had only paddled straight out... Yes, that's how you get to know the undercurrents in all their majesty.

Nevertheless, that couldn't dampen our excitement and all 3 of us eagerly tried to catch the big green waves. Without success. Clearly frustrated, we then tried our luck with the broken white waves and actually managed to at least ride them lying down for a bit. This small feeling of success finally brought back the joy and enthusiasm, so we all tried to stand up in the white waves. However, none of us had even remotely any success. Nevertheless, we continued to try diligently for 3 hours before we started the hike back. Clearly exhausted, a break near the towels in the sun was necessary before we returned to the hostel and cooked dinner.

In the evening, we went partying partying dancy dancy proper OZ style, of course only with goon.

Saturday morning, our new travel companion, Dutchman Jelle, arrived in Byron Bay from his surf course. Very convenient because now he knew how everything worked. Theoretically at least.

Although the three of us were very battered from our unsuccessful attempts yesterday (bruised knees, scraped bellies, and muscle soreness), we didn't want to miss a private surf lesson and ventured into the waves again. Jelle, whom we had met on our last evening in Sydney while partying, turned out to be an amazingly good surf instructor. At least on land. But I think getting up in the water and surfing the wave is simply a matter of practice. And that's exactly what we did for the next few days. Breakfast, surfing, cycling into town to listen to the great street musicians while the sun sets, dinner, goon (bag wine), party, repeat. Occasionally, our hostel also organized some special activities like pancake's on Sunday morning, pizza night on Monday evening, or yoga.

Monday also deviated from the pattern, as we got up at 4.30am to watch the sunrise from the lighthouse. Our hostel offered a free shuttle up there. When the sun was up, we set out on the good 1-hour, very beautiful hike back through the small national park, along the small cliffs and the beach. What a great start to the day! After that, we had a hearty breakfast to be able to go surfing with strength. However, none of us surfed much because we were all very tired from getting up early. So there was more of a little nap on the beach, (for some, a bigger one, right Riel? Greetings to your sunburnt back). In the evening, there was a $10 all you can eat in our hostel, followed by a very spontaneous bonfire on the beach. Started by the 4 of us and another girl from our room, more and more people who had somehow heard about the bonfire joined us.

By far, this was my most beautiful day of this trip so far!

On Tuesday morning, we reluctantly checked out of the Wake Up Hostel. Actually, the plan was to leave Byron on Monday, but none of us wanted to separate. It's hard to describe, but the atmosphere there is just good!

However, on Tuesday, we didn't continue our journey but only went to another hostel, the Arts Factory Lodge, which is known for its talent shows. And it was told to us that we must not miss them. The talent show was definitely great, and I finally met a new girlfriend (Maiana, unfortunately also German) with whom I did a lot of mischief (stole bicycles...), Riel also met a new girlfriend, and the night was really legendary, but the hostel itself was not Byron. Totally different vibe. A bit weird even. So for us, Byron ended when we checked out of the Wake Up. But despite everything, Byron Bay was incredible!

PS. I absolutely don't want to read through all of this again, soooo I don't care if there are any mistakes!

Love, Kisses and Byron Bay Vibes.



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