St. Coronas in 5 Etappen
St. Coronas in 5 Etappen


شايع ٿيل: 11.06.2022

On the way - Anna, Karin & I struggle to keep up while our Duracell "hares" verify the route: Lisl searches for yellow/red/blue/green markings, while Germana projects ahead and projects the path - but we (almost) always "get it right" anyway:

because Lisl planned the tour perfectly - managing daily stages in kWh (km/altitude/time) superbly - and it's wonderfully diverse > forest, meadow, grazing livestock, views, perspectives, insights, snack breaks, hostel destinations :D

because Germana then discovers the marking (sometimes thanks to ;-) and diplomatically avoids the "bluatwies’n", into which I occasionally stumble, because I am less experienced and stubborn ;-}

because we all watch out for each other, treat each other with consideration, have conversations that connect us, respect individual pace, and encourage each other that we are on the right path together.

I will find out when & how Lisl also finds the time for blogging... (just as I believe in the "perpetual motion machine" ;-); Germana still has a complaint open at ''; Anna will accompany us all the way to the finale next time; Karin has diligently explored and recorded every step of the Klausen-Leopoldsdorf variant on foot (only we know the exact route so far ;-) and I am still working on the logo that could maybe decorate the paths someday...

the trail has been traveled & has proven itself [!!] - our long-awaited expectations have been fulfilled & experiences confirmed, Petrus has been kind to us, the (partially dilapidated) limbs have held up well, photos have been taken & selectively shared, texts have been written & commented, and here it is: the "start-up-tour" >> St.Corona/Schöpfl @ St. Corona/Wechsel <<

for all future followers, sponsors, and other audiences: if anyone has a [very] good idea to turn this 5-stage trail into a 'legend' (maps, donations, partnerships, etc.), we are open to contributions and suggestions of any kind ;D

جواب (1)

Als angesprochene Lisl melde ich mich ergänzend zu Wort und danke den Begleiterinnen für Geduld und Nachsicht; ohne diese beiden Qualitäten kommen Gemeinschaftswerke nicht zustande. Kooperieren, Verantwortung übernehmen: besondere Kennzeichen gruppenfähiger Menschen. Ich möchte keine Minute unseres CC- Projekts missen. Nicht den strömenden Regen, nicht die Hoppals in der Wegsuche, nicht die wegüberwuchernden Brombeerranken. Und schon gar nicht frühsommerlich Blumenpracht, diverse Aussichtpunkte… und kulinarische Highlights, von Kirchenstüberl bis Schwarzer Adler. Was ich als ALTE Weitwanderin besonders genieße: Begegnungen, Gedanken- und Erfahrungsaustausch mit Menschen, die nur auf dieser Tour anzutreffen waren.

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