
Camino de Santiago

شايع ٿيل: 18.07.2018


Yesterday I miscalculated a bit... it didn't go to Cruz de Ferro today, that will happen tomorrow...

Instead, we went up to Rabanal today, a gentle but steady ascent... In 2015, this stage was the only rainy day. This time I was lucky. However, my shin is not so lucky, I'm wondering why I have the same problems on the same section of the route again... really annoying, but I won't let it get me down... at the moment, my will and mind are stronger...

We passed through beautiful landscapes, slowly approaching Galicia...

Today, it was sometimes a real pilgrim highway, so many people were on the way... It is really different from the coastal path, but it also has more of a pilgrim feeling and community.

What's really better is that there are bars or places to rest and have breakfast from time to time, although continuing is not always easy... but we have to keep going.

On the last stretch to Rabanal, there was a man with what I think was an eagle or falcon, he was advertising an institution that helps children with cancer... the animal is their symbol... I could also take a few pictures with "Julie"... I thought it was great and also filled the donation box...

Arriving in Rabanal (this time not in the hostel with the icy shower), first I took a shower, washed my clothes, licked my wounds, and rested... I fell asleep in no time!!!

Afterwards, I had dinner and finished the evening with a good Rioja wine...

Tomorrow will be a very interesting and maybe emotional stage... we will go to Cruz de Ferro where I left the stones before, maybe they're still there... and after that is the part, exactly the one on the way where I had the infinite moment of happiness, joy and tears at the same time, that was the moment when it clicked afterwards...


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#camino de santiago # camino francés # jakobsweg #hiking#backpacking#feel good

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