
Day 7 - From Tui to Redondela

شايع ٿيل: 04.06.2019

Highway to hell or day of torment would be a better description for this stage. Just like last year, this stage completely brought me to my knees...🥴😖 And everyone else too...

We started in light rain at 07:10 am in Tui. The light raindrops soon turned into a stronger constant rain and the mood didn't necessarily get better because of it. Nevertheless, we made quite good progress and of course, we also made a stop for breakfast😋 During our stop, two things happened - as usual, one positive and one negative😒 Positive: the rain stopped👍🏻 Negative: I, dummy that I am, reserved our rooms for the night in the wrong Padrón, even though I knew about it🤦🏻‍♀️😱🤬 So we had to quickly organize another accommodation for us and that's where I'm writing from right now.

At this point, I also want to say a big thank you to everyone at home - your kind messages and positive feedback motivate me so incredibly to write😍😘

By noon, we had completed the first 17km to O Porriño and treated ourselves to a good lunch. Sandwiches that are more like half a baguette and drinks to go with it. Feeling well-rested, we continue with the next 15km of the day💪🏻 The only problem is that after lunch, one is never as strong and energetic as in the morning. You've been on the road for a while, your feet are already hurting, and so on...

I'm so exhausted now that I can't write anything else except 31.5km and 12 hours🥴🤪😖

I'll give an update tomorrow!😉

Good night!😘

جواب (1)

Wir hatten heute Nudeln mit Lachs, grünem Spargel und Tomaten! 😁😋