A charming city, Georgetown!

شايع ٿيل: 10.08.2018

Last year, just before Christmas, we decided to fly home on the island of Penang. So we've been here before, we knew what to expect, and we were excited because we had very good memories of the city. It was somehow strange to pass by the hotel where we had such a terrible night back then. This time we booked a different one. We also remembered the restaurant where they served super delicious hummus and falafel, and of course we couldn't resist =)

In the city, there are many artworks and paintings on the walls of the houses. Here, an artist really let off steam and created a cozy atmosphere. We couldn't do much because the unbearable heat was building up in the alleys again. We didn't even go into the national park because hiking in this heat was just unthinkable. Well, we can probably still be glad that we are here and not in Germany, where the same heat rages. At least here, we can always escape to the air-conditioned rooms and don't have to work...=)

Then one day, we took the bus to the Botanical Garden. There wasn't much to see here either, but we enjoyed the little walk in the green and finally saw a small monitor lizard, a fat toad, and our friends the monkeys again. We really missed those little rascals and watched them for quite a while.

From Penang, we took the ferry back to the mainland and then the train to Ipoh. From here, we were supposed to take the bus to the Cameron Highlands and the tea plantations the next day. In the city, we found another little highlight, a restaurant with only five dishes on the menu, but we haven't eaten anything so delicious in a long time. Especially the lukewarm chocolate cake with ice cream and the many exotic drinks (mine tasted like sushi^^) made us really happy. As many know, Jonas and I are as different as day and night, but if there's one thing we agree on 99.9%, it's good food and a cozy restaurant =)


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