Japan Adventure
Japan Adventure

Finally here

شايع ٿيل: 11.09.2018

Yesterday at 20:00 Japan time, which is 13:00 German time, we finally arrived in Tokyo after 3 flights, 25 hours of flying and layovers at the airports in Düsseldorf, Paris, and Seoul.

Since we couldn't really sleep on the flights, we were pretty exhausted. Fortunately, we quickly passed through passport and customs controls. We were already waiting for us at the exit and we went to the train together. This turned out to be more difficult than we thought because the Japanese speak less English than we thought. But after changing platforms 4 times, we finally were on the right train. We finally arrived at the hotel at 11:30 and checked in (which was also difficult because they didn't really understand us here either...).

After a quick trip to the supermarket and a hot shower, we fell asleep in bed, completely exhausted. 😴
