
यात्रावृत्तान्ताः सिङ्गापुर

सर्वोत्तम यात्रा समय सिङ्गापुर

सिङ्गापुर हाइलाइट् करोति

नवीन एवं विशेष यात्रा ब्लॉग सिङ्गापुर

Touri Tag in Singapur

Botanische Gärten, Little India, Chinatown, Garden by the bay, Marina Bay Sands Hotel

Departure & 1st day in Singapore

5:30 Departure to Frankfurt.

04/10 - Gardens by the Bay

A spontaneous evening at Gardens by the Bay - a sight with 'favorite' potential

01/10 - Serangoon Rd. & Little India

My first exploration tour and the search for a shampoo under 10 S$ led me today along Serangoon Road...