11.11.19 - 12.11.19 Lukang

Опубликовано: 16.11.2019

From Taichung, we wanted to make a short detour to the small town of Lukang. So we drove the 27km to this little town in the morning, which only took 2 hours, checked into a hostel there, and once again occupied beds in a dormitory. For one night, it's okay and everything else was extremely expensive. Since we were later than planned due to the bus ride, we had to eat first and chose a lively vegetarian noodle shop. Although Lukang is a relatively small town with about 80,000 inhabitants, it is the second-oldest city in Taiwan. Although most of the city is not very old, the small old town is very pretty.

At the northern end, you will find a well-known, impressive Mazu Temple (Matsu is Taiwan's most important Buddhist deity, the goddess of the sea).

In the southern part, you will find the even larger Longshan Temple, whose construction in Taiwan is quite unique.

Narrow alleys with old buildings wind between the two temples, lined with street stalls where we also indulged in some sweets and found a particularly delicious pineapple. Lukang seems to be a popular tourist destination for others, especially local tourists, but it wasn't uncomfortably crowded. The city had the perfect size to explore on a cozy afternoon, so we continued our journey the next day.

By the way, we had dinner at a stall at the night market.

There were also several other temples, so it is possible that we mixed up the photos a bit.


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