Costa Rica - Really “Pura Vida”?

Опубликовано: 06.05.2024


My last night in Costa Rica is approaching and what can I say? To be honest, I'm glad that I'm going to Panama tomorrow. Nothing against the country, the nature and the animals are amazing! There is so much jungle, rainforests, beaches and beautiful places, I'm pretty sure of that, but Costa Rica's tourists are not budget backpackers. You can go here if you have two weeks of vacation and a well-filled wallet. If you don't mind crowds of tourists, it can be a real dream country! There are tons of awesome activities with lots of action, but well, if a half-day tour costs as much as my budget for two days and I have to share the tour with 10 other people... no thanks. I don't need these mass tourism attractions either, I prefer to go to less well-known corners and experience real adventures there (see last post😁).

On April 30, 2024, I was still in La Fortuna and went on a short hike to a rope swing. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it was a nice way to cool off in the river. However, I landed awkwardly on the first jump with the rope swing and had pain in my ears for the rest of the day...😅 Around midday, we went to a soda (the same as the Comedor so far). I knew that it was a bit more expensive to eat there in Costa Rica, but I never thought I would pay €9 for rice with beans, salad, and juice. Easily three times as much as in the previous countries...But I have to praise the hostel I stayed in. In terms of pure facilities, it was the best since I've been traveling! A small gym, air conditioning in the rooms, enough bathrooms (actually a big problem with many hostels), a large, well-equipped kitchen, and plenty of seating for €10 a night!

On May 1st, 2024, we continued on to Orosi. Orosi is a small, fairly untouristy town in the mountains. I actually only found it because I was browsing through a travel guide on Ometepe! I did need 4 different buses, but everything went smoothly. I just love places like this that are surrounded by small mountains... they have a very special charm. Towards the afternoon, I chatted with the only other guest in the hostel, a Dutchman who also speaks German. He has traveled a lot and lived in many places for several months/years. And he explained to me that Costa Rica is not as great as you think! The drug cartels are active here too and do shady things. He spent a month as a photographer in the most dangerous district of San Jose and experienced a lot there... But even here in Orosi, an otherwise idyllic little town, there is a lot of hustle and bustle in this regard. Every year, several people who have something to do with the drug cartels are shot. The houses here are also all cordoned off and have high fences in front of the terrace/front garden. But of course tourists don't care.

On May 2nd, 2024, I did what I came here for: hiking. Just a little walk over the mountains here, it was very quiet and I was able to spot some butterflies and birds. After that, I made myself a decent baguette with egg, beans, cheese and tomato. Later, I played a bit of darts with the Dutchman😁

And on May 3rd, 2023, we continued on. As I said, I'm just on a relaxing trip through Costa Rica. I don't have any big plans here, but I still want to see a bit of the country. 3 buses later, I was in Cahuita on the Caribbean coast, my first time on the Caribbean side, otherwise I've only ever been on the Pacific! Nice here. Beautiful beaches and a cool vibe.

Yesterday (04.05.24) I went to Cahuita National Park. A beautiful national park right on the beach, there is a circular path of almost 8 km and entry is based solely on donations. Of course there were a lot of people around but I always tried to walk alone as much as possible so that I had the opportunity to see different animals. I relied a lot on my ears and was able to spot a few animals like a few hermit crabs, small lizards or even a hidden coati. But of course when you see a crowd of people you know that there is an exciting animal nearby. I was able to see a few sloths and you have to be quick before they run away 😉 Later on there were suddenly a lot of capuchin monkeys hanging out right on the path which was very fascinating. They also visited us on one section of the beach. The path repeatedly went through the jungle or along the beach so you also had the opportunity to throw yourself into the clear water every now and then or lie on the beautiful beaches. Later I passed a few coatis, saw howler monkeys and capuchin monkeys in the trees again and saw a screaming boy with a very annoyed mother. Then I took a colectivo taxi back to Cahuita.

Today (05.05.24) was a beach and relaxation day. I lay on the beach, strolled along the sea and did a little workout there. There's not much more to say.

I don't want to speak badly of Costa Rica, but it is not backpacker friendly and for me it is far too touristy. Nevertheless, it is a very beautiful country. Tomorrow we are going to the islands of Bocas del Toro in Panama😋


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