From Bad Aussee to Croatia

Опубликовано: 23.08.2021


Today we start from Bad Aussee to Croatia, searching for the sun ☀️. Originally, we wanted to go to Slovenia, but the weather there is supposed to be lousy all week.

After buying vignettes for Austria and Slovenia, we drive towards Carinthia.

Coffee break

We make a stop in Gmünd to refresh childhood memories.

Here I was for the first time at the age of 3

I have also been here with my boys about 15 years ago.

The pastry shop where I first went 55 years ago still exists. We often went there in the afternoon for cake or ice cream during our vacation.

Cream horns and anise biscuits also awaken the taste memories of childhood.

23.08. End of the dog days... well, let's hope so.

We continue towards the south. Traffic jam in front of the Karawanken Tunnel... nothing new.

We're stuck in traffic again before Ljubljana. Apparently, there are more people looking for ☀️ ☀️ sun.

First, just rain

Then we get closer to the sea and the sky clears up ☀️ The temperature rises from 15 to 25 degrees.

The border guard from Slovenia to Croatia initially shocks us. He doesn't want to see my ID or entry documents, but says to me... I don't talk to women and turns to Jürgen. He tells him to go to the beach with me tonight, have a glass of wine, and tell me that he loves me obviously.

He laughs because my smile really disappeared and says that he's not from the Taliban and welcomes us warmly. We had already wondered why the processing on our lane was taking so long. He enjoyed the fun with everyone. So it's a good thing we were on this lane.

We arrive in Umag. Very nice campsite.

First, drain the wastewater, empty the chemical toilet. iiihhh... we're not really campers🤦‍♀️

But the sun and the sunset and of course the cevapcici make up for everything.

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