25.02.18 - Adventure trip 😀

Опубликовано: 25.02.2018

I shouldn't have praised myself too early. 😅 Since I went to bed at 02:00, I naturally couldn't get up and kept snoozing my alarm until I fell asleep again. 🙈

A louder knocking on the door woke me up again. 😅 I went to the door and Julien was standing there. 'Are you ready, the bus is here' I totaly sleepy, quickly packed my things and went downstairs.

Now there were 4 of us in front of the bus. Julien, Ryan, Gary and me.

But actually we were 5. 😂😅🤣 Gary had to bribe the bus driver so that he would wait a few more minutes for us. 😂 I went up again and knocked on Tom's door. 😂

He opened it and said sleepily, the bus isn't even here yet. Wrong thought. 😀 He also started to panic a bit and quickly packed his things so we could leave. 🤣😂

In the bus, I realized that I had left my action camera in my bed because of the panic. 😢 After getting annoyed about it, I just hoped that it would still be there when I come back. 🙈

First, we went on the Zip Line. I thought to myself, I hope they secure me properly. 😅 About 7 meters above the ground, it started. It was about 5 minutes long, it was really cool. 👍😁

Next, we went rafting. A river in the middle of nowhere with nice currents. 😄 My first rafting experience. 🙈

We went to the safety briefing area, unfortunately we didn't understand a word because the guide explained everything in Russian. 😂

They started to load the groups into the boats, until I went to him again and kindly asked him to explain the safety rules to us in English as well. 😄

After our briefing, we got on the rafting boat. I was in the middle. 1 guide at the front and back, and 2 guys on each side. We didn't have to do much, just hold on tight. 😄 And the fun began. 👍

Then, we went quad biking. All in a row. So there wasn't really a chance to go fast. 😞 But it was still fun and I was able to overtake a few times. 😁

Finally, we went to a waterfall and had to do some climbing. That was also really cool. 👍

Back at the hostel, I quickly checked on my camera, it was still safely in my bed. ☺

As we talked about our last night at the hostel, we realized that today is the last day in Phuket for all of us and we told each other what we still want to do. 😀

Since we have spent the last 2 days together, got along well, laughed a lot together, and agreed on the next destinations, we decided to travel together for the next 7-10 days. 😁

Our next stop: KOH PHI PHI 😁👍

Well, I think it's time for me to go to sleep now 😴, it's already 01:45 here, I have to check out by 12:00. 😅

I wish you all a good start to the week and will be back soon. 😘
