The Legend of Ukleisee

Опубликовано: 20.10.2021

On the way back from Lübeck, we made a stop at Ukleisee in Eutin for a walk.


Our path led us through the forest and around the lake.

Forest at Ukleisee
Forest at Ukleisee

According to legend, Ukleisee was once a green valley with a small chapel. A knight fell in love with a poor peasant girl and promised to marry her. But then he chose a rich countess, so the girl died of a broken heart.


On her wedding day, she appeared as a ghost in the chapel. A terrible storm broke out and sank the chapel along with the knight and the wedding party.

Forest at Ukleisee
Forest at Ukleisee

On quiet evenings, you can still hear the bell of the chapel ringing at the bottom of the lake...


On a slightly elevated spot stands a small hunting lodge, from which you have a beautiful view of the lake.

Hunting lodge at Ukleisee
Hunting lodge at Ukleisee

At the end of our hike, the weather became increasingly unpleasant, so we were glad when we returned to the parking lot. With one last look at Kellersee, we set off again.



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