The Emparis Plateau Tour through the lakes

Опубликовано: 24.07.2022

New tour, new luck. Again a short drive by car to the start (we saved 300 unnecessary meters of altitude on the asphalt). We pedaled our bikes along a comfortable, gravelled high alpine road far into a valley. The comfort didn't last long. The next 250 meters of altitude meant pushing or carrying. It was really steep. Hopefully the effort will pay off.

Having finished the steep sections, we cycled along a comfortable high-altitude hiking trail until we reached another single uphill trail. Technically demanding, but steeper and longer than expected, we initially planned to take a break at the top. A bad decision for Mini. The last 50 meters of altitude he pedaled rather uncoordinatedly and under-sugared up the mountain. Nevertheless, we arrived at the top healthy but exhausted. The view was worth all the effort. You probably won't get a better view of the Meije anywhere else. Delicious baguette, hummus, and a few dates strengthened us for the downhill.

What a downhill! Super single trail, steep and rocky sections past two picturesque but also slightly touristy lakes. Shortly before the steep final section of the trail, Mini's rear tire made a sharp hissing sound. The air from two days ago was gone. Mini, annoyed and cursing (MA OIDA), put in a new one and swore to buy a new tire tread.

Despite the Wirschtal and effort, an unforgettable tour! When we arrived at the campsite, our legs testified to the dry trails. You can also get dirty on vacation.

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