Kartoffelland - Fehmarn - Flügger Strand - September 17th

Опубликовано: 26.09.2019

The morning greets us fresh but sunny. While we drink coffee, it unfortunately becomes rainier and windier. We actually wanted to play a round of action mini golf, cool course, but that probably won't happen, too bad!

We set off and the sky gets darker and darker. Just our luck...we have to cross the Øresund Bridge now and we were already looking forward to it because the wind has become milder after the last few days. Just at the moment when we are at the toll station and Jörni rolls down the window, it starts hailing and raining heavily. Within seconds, Jörni's sleeve is soaked and we can hardly believe our eyes or ears! We pull over for a moment and consider maybe just waiting... Now on the bridge, about 80 meters above the sea...who needs that?

A Lamborghini shoots past us, yes, I would do the same, lying flat on the road!

Anyway, we're driving! Wild ride, the waves lash beneath us and the rain makes it hard to see anything! Of course, we make it and we're still a bit undecided about how to proceed. Actually, we wanted to go to Fehmarn, you can take the ferry from Rodby. But for now, we'll continue towards the Danish mainland and then decide to drive down to Rodby and take the ferry. Yes, even if you have time, making decisions is just as difficult...! Off to Fehmarn. We wait about half an hour for the next ferry and while waiting, we tap into the Flixbus in front of us...very clever!

The crossing is rocky, despite the huge vessel we're sitting on. We eat something and after 45 minutes, we arrive in Puttgarden. Since it's still early afternoon, we decide to drive to the Fehmarn village and take a stroll through the city, do some shopping, and can't believe we're back in Kartoffelland...! They speak our language...unusual...and the beer is ridiculously cheap!

We drive to the western coast, to Flügger Beach. We check in by ourselves again since it's not busy here, and we go to the sea with the dog. The wind is so strong again that the bridge to the mainland is closed for unloaded trucks and trailers. Pretty clever of us to look for a spot right by the sea on the west side...!

The wind is so loud and strong that we're glad the walking path continues behind the dunes, even though we're still talking about quite windy here, but at least you don't have to yell at each other to have a conversation. We take a really nice walk past the lighthouse and back to the spot. There are mostly permanent campers here and we decide that, this place is so not nice and we can't imagine spending our holidays here...no way....! A delicious "Tannenzäpfle" in the evening and then off to bed! In the middle of the night, I have to pee, too much "Tannenzäpfle", and when I come back to the bus, my heart almost stops...who's that guy, only in his underwear, following our bus...then I recognize him...Jörni...he peed behind the bus...are you crazy?


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