Tuesday, January 8

Опубликовано: 08.01.2019

How on earth do I get an adapter - Part 2

The night was much better and I woke up at 7 o'clock. The sun had risen 30 minutes ago and I decided to explore the beach. So I packed my camera and set off. Through the many alleys and stairs, between the different bungalows, past the pool down to the exit gate where the security guard greeted me with a smile. I gave my room number (security check is necessary) and walked on the fine, light brown sand for the first time. Beautiful. A kilometer-long beach starts on the lower left side of the hotel. There was quite a lot going on. Some locals were playing football, cows were grazing next to them, the fishermen also seemed to be busy, and the beach boys were carrying cushions for the beach chairs to the shore. Some had to wade through the ankle-deep water of the lagoons that had formed parallel to the beach. After a few steps, I turned around and walked back towards the security gate. I will explore the roaring sea in the next few days. Don't worry! I won't go into that hell called water....!

I strolled through all the alleys I could find, took countless photos of the incredibly diverse flora, greeted a worker here and there who was busy watering or sweeping the leaves. They laughed and were happy about my "Namaste" that I gave to each one of them.

At the reception, I already saw my cable lying there. However, all alone and without an adapter next to it. I knew what that meant.... Well, apparently it didn't work yesterday and it won't work today either, and by the way, not tomorrow either! Kerala is on strike for 2 days.
 means no buses or any vehicles are running. Oh. Interesting. BUT, then I asked a slightly heretical question: what about the guests who are arriving/departing? The receptionist somehow evaded the question and reassured me with the excuse of the strike. Of course, I insisted. She will find out if there might be a transfer planned to the airport in the afternoon. Oh... and like yesterday, I tried to suggest to her the idea of getting an adapter for me from the airport shop. Once again, she explained to me that no one from the hotel is allowed into the airport. I believed her yesterday. BUT, the Indians especially have such extreme connections. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who works at the airport or something.... She didn't agree to it and brought up the strike again as a distraction. Grumble.... I didn't give up and suggested that she could call the airport shop and ask the employee there to buy an adapter for me, then bring it outside and hand it over to the driver. Smart girl, this Daniela! Well, she asked me quite bluntly: do you have the telephone number of this shop? Pardon? ME? She works here and can easily find this number! Now I became more determined. It shouldn't be so difficult, for heaven's sake! It was all in vain. No surprise.... so she repeated the strike once again and her effort to find out if there would be a transfer in the afternoon, and concluded with the familiar words: mam, we do our best. Smiling at me. Om, Daniela. Inhale, exhale, thank you, grin, turn around and run away (in the true sense of the word)....

Breakfast, daily consultation, and then off to the massage. Same massage as yesterday. Oh yes, I forgot to mention: this stamping is done simultaneously by two masseuses. Oh yes, and one more thing: while waiting for the doctor, I was sitting next to a 90-year-old Indian woman. I had already noticed her 2 days ago when she, always surrounded by 1-2 hotel staff members, walked through the hotel grounds and had numerous conversations with people. She was talking, in German, to another patient who was waiting. This old woman, together with her husband, founded this Ayurvedic clinic in 1990! Her husband 'was called to God' 3 years ago and actually she didn't want to come back here anymore. But she is here again for a wedding and is so delighted that everything is so great and well-maintained and that the business is doing so well. A brief but exciting encounter.

After the massage, I went straight to the reception and booked the internet cafe with the only computer inside. I'm sitting here now typing up the past 2 days. The receptionist saw me from afar and I know she thought: not her again! Smile. But I left her alone. But before dinner, I will definitely stand at the counter again and ask my question: any news regarding my adapter?

Oh yes, one more thing - Here's a little riddle: pool, beach towel already on a few beach chairs at 7 o'clock in the morning... what nationality could this be?! Answer tomorrow.

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hahaha, keine ernst gemeinte Frage, oder doch ?