29 nach Perriño

Опубликовано: 17.04.2024

Distance 100 kilometers, cumulative 2,446 kilometers | Elevation 590, cumulative 16,860

Like yesterday, the wind was blowing away today. So I wanted to get going as soon as possible. But alas, when I was packing my bike I realized that I had left my glasses in the bathroom because I had just cleaned them. But since I couldn't get into the room, I had to wait until the man from reception showed up again. So I couldn't take my starting photo with my glasses until 07:03.
The first 30 kilometers were a bit difficult compared to the rest. I had to ride a lot on roads and highways, and in the morning traffic. In Viano do Castelo I also had to cross a narrow bridge. Because of the traffic I wanted to do it on foot, but it was so narrow for pedestrians that that was impossible. I took a good opportunity and rode the rest. That's when I realized how long the bridge was. Next time I won't even try to walk.
Then I continued on the Camino (Way of St. James) almost all the time. I overtook many pilgrims. What must it be like in the summer?
As I was riding along the beautiful cycle path by the sea, the wind suddenly noticed that it hadn't slowed me down at all today. Now it caught up and blew against me with great force. I actually like wind and it's just part of the sea.
I'm now a lot further north than I started in Valencia. I notice this in the vegetation. There are hardly any palm trees anymore, the plants here in Galicia are similar to those in Central Europe.
Before I left Portugal in Valença, the country rewarded me with a particularly beautiful cycle path of many kilometers, all along a river. The path also had many beautiful rest areas. At the moment I have seen few pilgrims there and I was able to enjoy the largest one all by myself.
Here in Porriño, I chose an apartment via booking.com that made a very good impression on me. After seeing it from the outside, I made the booking, as there was no reception. The landlord came out immediately and greeted me very warmly. He provided me with a small room right by the entrance for Vogel-Lisi, including electricity. What I found particularly positive in the apartment was that he offered me a fridge with beer and water. Coffee and tea and even bread rolls are also available and do not have to be paid for separately.
Tomorrow I will reach Santiago de Compostela, the destination of all the pilgrims I have met and will meet on the Way of St. James.


How old is it today? Because of this I would like to ask you before possible. But when I started taking the bike with me, I realized that I had washed my glasses in the bathroom because the cleaning bucket was empty. But as I cannot enter the room, I expect until the receptionist sees. For that reason, I could only take my first photo with glasses at 7:03.

The first 30 kilometers are a bit difficult compared to the rest. I think I drive a lot on federal roads and highways with Monday traffic. In Viano do Castelo you can also cross a bridge. Because of the traffic, I basically wanted to go to the toilet, but it was very narrow for the pedestrians which was impossible. Found a good opportunity and took the rest. Just remember how long the bridge was. Next time I'll try to walk.

Sometimes I always follow the Camino (Camino de Santiago). Many pilgrims were surprised. How should it be in summer?

As we ride the beautiful bike ride along the sea, the repellent wind blows away my mind, which today has absolutely stopped me. Now he compensated and left me in consequence. From what I've done, I like the wind and it's only from the sea.

Now it's much more north than when I arrived in Valencia. Also note in the vegetation. Yes, there are no palm trees; The plants here in Galicia are similar to those in Central Europe.

Before leaving Portugal for Valencia, the country surprised me with a particularly beautiful bike ride, many kilometers across a river. The route also has many pleasant rest areas. At the moment we don't have many pilgrims coming and I can enjoy the bigger part just for me.

Here in Porriño I chose an apartment through booking.com which made me very impressed. After losing money here the reservation is canceled because I have not received it. The owner came immediately and gave me a very friendly welcome. For Vogel-Lisi I gave you a small room right on the side of the entrance, with electricity included. What I found particularly positive about the apartment was that they offered me a fridge full of beer and water. They also offer coffee, tea and breadcrumbs and do not need to be paid separately.

Tomorrow I arrived in Santiago de Compostela, the destination of all the pilgrims I knew and met on the Way of Santiago.

Like yesterday, the wind was blowing away today. So I wanted to set off as soon as possible. But alas, when I was packing my bike I realized that I had left my glasses in the bathroom because I had just cleaned them. But since I couldn't get into the room, I had to wait until the man from reception showed up again. So I couldn't take my starting photo with glasses until 7:03.

The first 30 kilometers were a bit arduous compared to the rest. I had to ride a lot on roads and main roads, and in the morning traffic. In Viano do Castelo I also had to cross a narrow bridge. Because of the traffic I wanted to do this on foot at first, but it was so narrow for pedestrians that that was impossible. I seized a good opportunity and cycled the rest. Only then did I realize how long the bridge is. Next time I won't even try to walk.

Then I continued almost all the way along the Camino (Way of St. James). I overtook many pilgrims. What must it be like in summer?

As I was riding along the beautiful cycle path by the sea, the wind suddenly noticed that it hadn't slowed me down at all today. It made up for that now and blew against me with great force. I actually like wind and it's just part of the sea.

I'm now a lot further north than I started in Valencia. I notice this in the vegetation. There are hardly any palm trees left, the plants here in Galicia are similar to those in Central Europe.

Before I left Portugal in Valença, the country rewarded me with a particularly beautiful cycle path of many kilometers, all along a river. The path also had many beautiful rest areas. At the moment I hadn't seen many pilgrims there and I was able to enjoy the largest one all by myself.

Here in Porriño I chose an apartment via booking.com that made a very good impression on me. After I saw it from the outside, I made the booking because there was no reception. The landlord then came out immediately and greeted me very warmly. He provided me with a small room for Vogel-Lisi right by the entrance, including electricity. What I found particularly positive in the apartment was that he offered me a fridge with beer and water. Coffee and tea and even bread rolls are also available and do not have to be paid for separately.

Tomorrow I will reach Santiago de Compostela, the destination of all the pilgrims I have met and will meet on the Way of St. James.


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