
Stage 11 Lake Geneva Douvaine 22 Km (251.1 Km)

Опубликовано: 01.04.2022

Highlight of the day: It only rained once today.

When I woke up, I could already hear the raindrops falling on the roof window. The internet told me it was 6°C outside. Well, at least I didn't freeze and it's not snowing yet.

It was still dark and I had planned to leave at 8 o'clock. My backpack is lighter today because I wore several layers of clothes. Like an onion. And that was just right! I never felt cold all day and always felt good. My new hiking shoes also contributed to this, as they didn't let any water through, so my feet were always dry.

According to Komoot, I should be able to walk a lot along the lake today. But the app cannot detect that these are private properties secured with fences, making it impossible to pass through. Nevertheless, there were several kilometers where I could actually walk directly on the beach. There would have been room for swimming, no one around.

Later it started to snow, but it never turned white on the ground. The photos I received from home showed conditions that we would have wished for in January.

Since I had arranged to meet my Airbnb host at 5 p.m., I took it easy. But only in the destination of Douvaine did I find an open restaurant where I got an Asian menu. It was not only warm but also very good.

However, I still had a lot of time until the appointment, so I walked through a shopping center and through the village.

I am staying in a private room at Denis' place, which he rents out through Airbnb. As a taxi driver, this is certainly a good extra income.

The whole tour on Komoot:

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Lieber Papi. Dein Zimmer scheint sehr nett zu sein, hoffentlich ist es der Gastgeber ebenso:) Deine Tour heute scheint tatsächlich etwas nässer, matschiger und kälter, dennoch blühen die Schwarzdorne um die Wette. Und der Urwald den Du durchlaufen bist ist auch eine tolle Abwechslung zur Girsch des Genfersee. Weiterhin viel Wärme in Dir für den weiteren Weg💪Alles Liebe Caroline

Das Wetter hat mir eigentlich nichts ausgemacht. Ich war gut angezogen und blieb trocken. Ich staune auch immer wieder über die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft. Da kommt man um eine Ecke und plötzlich ist die Umgebung ganz anders. Besonders dieser grüne Park hat mich total fasziniert.

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