Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip
Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip

Day 14: Split

Опубликовано: 20.03.2023


I enjoyed my breakfast this morning with a wonderful view of the Cikola Canyon. Of course, the morning meal consisted of cereal with warm milk. I can gladly share the recipe...

Actually, I don't feel like going to a city again, but Split is somehow on the way and there is a climbing gym and a second-hand shop there. That's roughly the plan. You can't do more culture in one day.

It's 70 km from Krka National Park to Split, the second largest city in Croatia. 210,000 people live here. The lively and touristy city has its special flair thanks to the ancient center. Splendid buildings, columns, and squares remind of the Roman era in Split.

The second-hand shop is located a bit outside the center. The little shopping queen in me had wished for it today.

The store is surprisingly big and has a good selection that makes the heart of every small-town hipster beat faster. A bit vintage, a bit retro, everything goes in the basket. After not too long, the basket is filled with clothes that I firstly: don't really need, secondly: already have several similar pieces, and thirdly: don't have space for, as I already have too much stuff with me. At the checkout, it turns out fortunately that I only have 12eur in cash and card payment is not possible. So it was just a beautiful pair of pants. Corduroy pants No. 4.

In the evening, climbing gym. Crazy location under or in an old stadium. The whole thing is a bit makeshift, but a nice spot. A shower would have been cool.

Fail of the day: Finished writing the text, then pressed the wrong button. Everything gone. Then wrote everything again, at least in parts.


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