Weiter auf dem GR34

Опубликовано: 02.07.2018

After a lazy day at the beach followed by a feast, I needed some exercise today and where else can you have fun here than on the Zöllnerpfad. So I took out the map - searched the internet - and off we went.

The starting point shouldn't be too far away today, since I was a bit later today morning than planned due to a mosquito attack last night.

However, since the GR34 runs along the entire coast of Brittany, the selection is very large here and today I planned the route so that I didn't have to walk any sections twice and accordingly chose the parking lot. In France, there are quite a few free, public parking spaces, so parking itself is usually not a problem (except in the national park...).

The tour of the day:

It turned out to be 4 hours and 12 km. (Reading break must be included ;) )

Today's starting point was Trébeurden.

A rather sleepy, small village

From there, I roughly aimed for the coast as always. (Oh no... we were going downhill again.... and heaven... did I have muscle soreness???? Anyway, my butt was complaining pretty loudly.... I probably ran too fast in front of the snakes)

I quickly found the Zöllnerpfad along the coast, which we followed for 2 hours. As always, it was not boring and remained quite varied.

The direction is right but Teewurst is not allowed to have paws here
The direction is right but Teewurst is not allowed to have paws here
still a little hazy....
still a little hazy....
GR34 for beginners
GR34 for beginners
slowly clearing up....
slowly clearing up....
very varied path...
very varied path...

Interestingly, the GR34 is constantly marked like the Camino de Santiago and as soon as you see the red and white stripes, you know - BINGO, we are right.

The weather was quite changeable this morning, but at about 21 °C it's nice to be outside. At some point during the first half, it cleared up increasingly and became more humid. Teewurst's tongue got longer and longer.....

At a fork in the road, we could even walk around a small island. 'Oh, let's take this detour, Teewurst....' (if I had known that beforehand....) unfortunately, this stretch of the 'short detour' went over rough terrain and again very close to the cliffs. However, the most strenuous part was climbing up again... sometimes I feel like a mountaineer here (of course without equipment).

Come on Blondi, you can do it....
Come on Blondi, you can do it....

Special case for Chucks...
Special case for Chucks...

The cloth is getting longer....
The cloth is getting longer....

crystal clear water...
crystal clear water...

By the way, there are 2 houses on that island (well, I know who wouldn't be able to sleep there at night...)

But my Chucks did another great job (I think in Germany I'll treat myself to a new pair, we'll have reached at least 100 km in two days). At the peak of the small island, I also met two German women who asked me directly if I was going the whole way. (Of course, 500 km... goodbye Germany, see you in 3 months...) and if I was really hiking all alone? (Teewurst is enough for 2 people...)

After circling the island, we continued towards the sandy beach. As we approached residential houses more and more, an article about the Zöllnerpfad came to mind. This path also runs through the gardens of houses, but the residents are obliged to let the hikers pass. The government takes care of that (which kindly allows 10 km/h less on the country road since yesterday!!!!!) and ensures that the bushes and shrubs are regularly trimmed. So, to the government.... I have a few sections where you should definitely drive by again..... nothing was trimmed.... unless the fern is usually 5 m high. But we're getting off topic here.

Through the gardens....

Through the gardens....

In the bay, I took a short break to read and Teewurst could splash around in the bucket or bowl. What was really strange here: you couldn't hear anything! No ocean waves, no people, no birds, no wind. Simply nothing. Somehow bizarre... (good for reading)

Afterwards, we followed the GR34 for a while, until the map showed me that I should soon leave the coast, unless I plan to walk a round trip of 50 km.

Stonehenge has fallen over....
Great - Stonehenge has fallen over....who couldn't handle dominoes again?

Low tide is not nice when you
Low tide is not nice when you're not looking for crabs or jellyfish like the kids....

There simply is NO ugly house here....there really isn
There simply is NO ugly house here....there really isn't!

No ugly roundabouts either
No ugly roundabouts either
actually there are flowers or hydrangeas everywhere (I think they
actually there are flowers or hydrangeas everywhere (I think they're considered weeds here because they really grow EVERYWHERE


Ooooooooohhhh and look what suddenly appeared on the road!!!

OOOOOOOOhhhhhh how awesome!!!!!!!
OOOOOOOOhhhhhh how awesome!!!!!!!

The way back was of course uphill as always. Oh boy, it was hot! But we covered another 12 km today!

For dinner, we had mussels. Delicious, but who would get full from that?

So my dear ones,

Good night!


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