Danzig in the Moonlight...

Опубликовано: 01.11.2018

After the flight from Stockholm and a 30-minute train ride, I had to get off at my destination station in Danzig. It was freezing cold and not particularly nice there. But after a short orientation, I found the gate (it really was one) to the Old Town and immediately fell in love. It might even be the most beautiful one I've seen so far. I think I'll just show it and not say anything....

My hostel was right next to the Old Town, which made every walk a pleasure. The price level is finally adjusted to my budget again and I have never complained about Polish beer. The Ferris wheel in the Old Town was particularly pleasant, as it always served as my orientation point. Without Google, I would be walking in circles like a goldfish.

I prefer to walk through cities at dusk and in the dark. At least if the eye-catchers are adequately illuminated. Look here....delicious!

What else can I tell you? I ate deliciously everywhere. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the city....and not only here, the Poles are also ahead of us in terms of fashion. I've seen a leather jogging pants. Practical and pretty! Shortly afterwards an anecdote: I'm walking through the city, past a business guy in a suit, sitting on a doorstep and reading... then the pig shamelessly lets one rip, that I flinched. I was impressed, scared, shocked, and amused. Hats off!

On the last day, I borrowed a bike again and rode about 60km. Just because I realized at the coast that there was a river between me and the actual destination with no bridge for kilometers. The first bridge that was usable for bicycles....was right in front of my hostel :-D

But in the end, it was worth it for the view. Today I took a 4.5-hour bus ride from Danzig to Warsaw. I arrived at the hostel only in the evening. Very pleasant 4-bed dormitory where - as it looks - I am at least alone tonight. Now I don't want to write anymore because I can't drink my beer while doing it! Goodbye!


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