Adventure Western Australia - Outback, Beaches, Settlement Land

Опубликовано: 29.09.2018


Our friend Günther had a dream - to drive through the Australian Outback! This dream is now coming true and we 2+2oldytravellers are going on tour together again.

We have the highlights of Western Australia in our sights.

This will be a great adventure for the four of us!

If you want to join us, you can do it here!

The 2+2oldytravellers, from left to right: Gerhard, Regina, Gisela, Günther

Why Western Australia?

Western Australia is the largest state in Australia and is still off the beaten tourist path - we love that. The guidebook speaks of boundless vastness, solitude and incredible natural diversity. There is turquoise sea with endless, white and sandy beaches, rust-colored earth in the Outback with rock formations millions of years old, and lush greenery in the southwest. You can swim with whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef and watch dolphins breakfasting at Monkey Mia. What more could you want?

We are looking forward to these experiences!
We are looking forward to these experiences!

Before departure

We could actually start now! Gerhard has prepared everything perfectly again. The travel route has been planned for a long time. The start is in Perth. First we want to drive through the Outback to the north, up to Mount Augustus and then to Karijini NP. Then we will drive along the coast. We will drive south with various intermediate destinations back to Perth. From there we will go to the southwest of Australia, the region of stone waves, forests, and wines. In total, we will be on the road for 35 days.

7000 km by rental car - our route
7000 km by rental car - our route

We are also prepared for the countless small flies that are said to be in the Outback. We have bought special head nets for protection. Even if it makes us look a bit alien, better safe than sorry. We don't have an appetite for flies!

The rental car, a rugged all-wheel drive SUV, is also booked. It took a lot of nerves to find the right vehicle with the right conditions. But in the end, it worked out.

Booking the flights was also a challenge. Despite several attempts, both couples were unable to book the flights at the same time via conference call. The airline didn't like that and one of them was always unable to complete the booking. After that, the price always increased. You wouldn't believe what goes on in the background. Unfortunately, we can't start our adventure together now. Both of us - Regina and Gerhard - will fly with Singapore Airlines on October 24, 2018 from Frankfurt, Gisela and Günther a few hours later from Munich with Lufthansa. So we will only meet up in Perth at our hotel.

We have also chosen and booked all our accommodations ourselves in advance, either via or directly with the local providers.

I (Regina) will mainly take care of blogging, as Gerhard and Günther will be busy driving and navigating. We will all be responsible for great travel photos and videos.

Now we just need to pack our suitcases and make sure not to forget anything! I can't wait for it to finally start. Why doesn't time go faster?

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Sind ganz gespannt auf eure Reise.Wir waren 2017 schon an der Westküste,aber ohne dass Outback und den Norden.Werden 2019 erneut nach Westaustralien reisen und den oberen Teil eurer Reise auch machen.Wir sind schon sehr gespannt!!!

Freut uns , dass ihr euch für unseren Blog interessiert. Es ist im Outback nicht immer leicht, die Beiträge ins Netz zu stellen, aber wir bleiben dran... Für diese Gegend ist unsere Reisezeit eigentlich schon 2...4 Wochen zu spät, da schon zu heiss und die beste Wildblumenpracht schon vorbei.

Wir wünschen euch tolle Eindrücke und eine stressfreie Reise. Verfolgen jeden Tag👍