Trips mit Travis
Trips mit Travis

Travis on the Great Ocean Road

Publicat: 20.10.2023


So yesterday we set off from our lovely cottage in Healesville. It's a shame, I thought at first. It was really nice there.

Cottage with fruit in the garden

Then we drove quite far. Luckily there was a break in between in a really nice café. There was metal art and stuff like that.

I felt safe with the dragon
And with this guy I was really relaxed. Funny.

We also passed a place where you probably couldn't get a car away quickly enough during a bush fire. Or it burned down for other reasons. Anyway, I was really glad I wasn't sitting in there.

Burned down

Our destination was Warrnambool. It's called that because it's the name of a volcanic cone nearby and also the name of the local clan of people who have always lived here. They are called Aborigines and they were here over 35 thousand years ago! That's really long, isn't it? All the white people who think the country is theirs came here much later. Maybe almost 200 years ago or so. I think there are a lot of things going wrong. And sometimes I don't really like the fact that I'm a white buddy bear.

In any case, there is the start of a road that goes along the great sea. That's probably why it's called the Great Ocean Road. And then my two older ones headed straight towards the sea.

Always towards the water

The Great Ocean Road is one of those - you drive for a while and then you have to stop and get out because there is such a great view "again". You can't really make any progress because you have to admire so many beautiful "lookouts". Here are a few examples so you can understand what I mean.

And now imagine (well, you can see it in many of the pictures): I was almost always in the middle of it. Almost never had to wait in the car. I think it's great that my two older ones usually take me with them when they go somewhere.

Anyway, at some point we arrived at the 12 Apostles - in English, of course, Twelve Apostles. There is a very famous book called the Bible and there is something about them in it. That probably has something to do with this religion thing. And I'll have to ask my older ones again when I get the chance.

Twelve Apostles at sunrise

I can already count well. And I'm sure there weren't even 12 sandstone pillars in the water. But then it was also written on an information board that some people had already been made to fall over by the sea.

It says sunrise under the picture because we were there in the evening at sunset, then spent the night nearby and went back early the next morning. My two older ones said it was worth getting up early. And even though I was still a little tired, it was still nice.

Very early on the lonely beach

Now it's evening again. I'll tell you what happened after getting up early today another time. Now there's a campfire 😯

I've never experienced it before. I'm a little excited. But my big one definitely knows what he's doing. I will report.

My first campfire!

At first glance it seems like something very cozy, like a campfire. So basically a fire around which you can camp. I like it.


Love from Travis the Buddy Bear

Răspuns (4)

Hi Travis, so schöne Bilder, das Meer und das Licht echt beeindruckend. Ich freue mich jeden Tag auf deinen Bericht. Man kann eure Reise richtig miterleben. Liebe Grüße aus Bremen Erika und Hans-Georg

Dankeschön, Ihr Lieben! Da freue ich mich 😇

Was für großartige Photos! Und soooo ein leerer Strand 😍! Danke für Deinen ausführlichen Bericht. Und dass Du weiß bist: na ja, wichtig ist, dass Du ein buntes Herz hast! Mach Dir nix draus: ich bin auch weiß mit einem bunten Herzen. Und wenn's ganz wichtig ist: Du kannst Dein Fell auch färben. Dann bist du auch außen bunt. 🌈

Danke, dass hilft mir. Und die Färbe-Idee behalte ich im Hinterkopf!

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