
Weiter Richtung Süden

Publicat: 17.08.2022

Along the coastal road, we visited Rorvik at the end of the Nordland - that's the long, thin part in the middle of Norway - as the museum was recommended in the travel guide. Unfortunately, neither the museum nor the city itself was particularly beautiful. The museum was half about the history of Norway - which was interesting - and half a promotional event for industrial salmon farming and oil production.

Therefore, we soon continued towards Trondheim. Since the weather was nice again and 26 degrees Celsius was really warm for this latitude, we looked for a nice coastal area where the kids could splash around and play. They built their own 'bucket aquarium'.

After dinner, we drove until late at night and slept at a rest area about 100km before Trondheim.


Rapoarte de călătorie Norvegia