
Ribe and UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea

Publicat: 31.08.2022

The detour to Ribe and the Wadden Sea was worth it. First, we went swimming in the 'heated' pool. It wasn't much warmer than the sea, but at least we had it all to ourselves :-) Ribe is a very beautiful, manageable town with a long history and many charming streets and buildings. It is also the oldest town in Denmark. Some houses are actually from the 15th/16th century. The church with roots from the 12th century is particularly worth seeing. Afterwards, we cycled to the Wadden Sea. It doesn't look far at all. But when you can already see the destination at the start because there are no hills or even mountains, and it turns out to be a few more kilometers, it can affect the motivation (of the children). But the ride was definitely worth it, as the children had a great time playing and we were able to enjoy the peace and the sunset. At the end of the day, we wanted to have a good meal in Ribe. However, since Denmark is not Italy, the kitchens of the (affordable) restaurants were already closed at 9:00 PM. So we had pasta at the campsite and the children played a game of chess - while I fell asleep sitting down.

Răspuns (1)

wow! wieder Mal super Fotos!

Rapoarte de călătorie Danemarca