
Saying goodbye

Publicat: 25.09.2020

For me it's time to say goodbye.

Goodbye to my shared flat with the beautiful room that I've been living in for the past 2 and a half years.

Goodbye to Magdeburg. My hometown, which I love very much and where I feel really comfortable.

But of course, the hardest part: saying goodbye to friends and family. Always with the thought that I can now only see the most important people in my life via Skype and can't just visit them.

My view from the window will now change. No more looking out onto the street lined with tall linden trees and the beautiful old building across the way. There will be a new window from which I will look out. With happy, curious, but maybe also sad thoughts.

With some mixed feelings and very excited, I'm now starting my big adventure: new home London!


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