
1. Stop - London Heathrow

Publicat: 22.01.2019

22.01.2019 - Day 1

Song: Nik Kershaw - I won't let the sun go down on me

I said goodbye to my loved ones and started from Berlin. Currently, I am spending 3/33 hours of travel time at London airport (Heathrow). The first shocking discovery was that unfortunately, the USB charging sockets are not suitable for charging. Whoever came up with this idea should be locked up. What else should one do with a USB socket other than charge their electronic devices?

I'm trying not to let the time become too long and I observe the people here. It's hard to get bored. At 8:30 pm local time, the departure gate will be announced, from which I will then fly to Sydney (via Singapore).

Kisses, M.


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