
Arrival in Perth

Publicat: 27.12.2017

Approach to Perth
Approach to Perth

Safely landed, we went straight to the controls. There we met a very nice older customs officer who let us into the country after a small talk about soccer/football. He was extremely friendly and extremely funny.

Just off the coast
Just off the coast

Over Perth
Over Perth

From here, we went to the luggage where we were guided by an older lady to the next control.

Here we were greeted by a young lady who asked us some questions and also started a nice chat and then wished us a pleasant stay.

A short time later, we left the airport and went in search of a bus. It was quite windy outside and the temperature was quite pleasant.

We took the bus and after 30 minutes arrived at our hotel - the Quality Hotel Ambassador Perth.

After a small talk with the receptionist, we checked in and finally made our way to our room.

Now it was time for a shower!

After showering, we went out again in search of something to eat. However, everything was still closed as it was still a public holiday here.

Nevertheless, you could get a first impression of the city.

After an hour of walking, we also found an open McDonald's on the way back.

Back at the hotel (around 11 PM), we went to bed to be fit in the morning.

Tomorrow we will explore Perth!

