Kerala - Ayurveda
Kerala - Ayurveda

Friday, January 25th

Publicat: 25.01.2019

How do they manage to do that?!

Yawn. This morning at 6 o'clock the alarm clock rang. After a very calm and restful night, I still had to gather some energy to attend the meditation at 6:30 am.
Said and done. The 7 guests spread out well in the large Yoga Hall Number 1. The teacher asked me, as a beginner, to come to the front. That way he had me in sight! Smile
Then it started. The breathing exercises are certainly very meaningful and luckily not difficult to learn. Then it was time to sing (chant) the OM's. My voice completely failed at times. I've noticed this more while doing yoga. Somehow I can't get the tones out. Well, at least not in between. I have no idea why....
Afterwards, everyone found a comfortable sitting position and prepared for 25 minutes of sitting still. Okay... This will be exciting. Because I can't sit cross-legged or on my calves or in any position for more than 3 minutes. Either my foot falls asleep or I get a cramp or my back isn't straight anymore, etc. How do the others manage this?! Some sit on a specially brought seat cushion or are like an Indian: they know no pain! So for me, meditation was a search for a position and not really relaxing. The others probably have more experience. But hey guys: I'd rather stay in bed for an hour longer. Sorry, but I give up after the first try. I do yoga and it feels really good to me.

However, today is somehow a sleepy day anyway. Maybe it's because of the incredible heat (at least I perceive it that way) and the slight breeze. I fell asleep during the massage, couldn't get my legs up properly during the yoga, then I recovered lying on the bed and promptly fell asleep again. Lunch and off to the second massage. Today I can make up for the missed treatment from the day trip at the beginning of the week. Anointment, scrubbing, pouring. The one in the morning was identical to yesterday's. I love these forehead showers!

Ahem! Now the mosquito man is walking through the reception with his smoking and stinking bucket! Just don't breathe too deeply! But it has to be done. Because those things eat you up. Everywhere and anywhere. In the room, during the therapy treatment, at the reception, in the restaurant and of course during yoga too!

And now 2 guests are jogging past me! Okay. Can they go together with Ayurveda? I'm not so sure... Apparently you're not supposed to go in the water during an Ayurveda treatment.
