
Hard times and kind people

Publicat: 03.09.2018

It has been 4 days and I have experienced a lot..

Professionally, Friday was the hardest day I have ever had in my life. I was aware that there would be more complications here that cannot be treated like in Germany. But seeing the consequences directly was an emotional mix of: shock, sadness, anger, helplessness, the urge to change something, and the question

'Can I really endure this?'

I am thinking of all the people whose world collapsed on this day due to these catastrophic events.

A sentence that helped me:

'Do not give up what is important to you just because it is not easy.' (Albert Einstein)

These experiences should not change my love for my profession and for this project.

At the end of my shift, a healthy boy was born into my hands and it gave me a lot of strength! Strength to continue for these beautiful moments!

In the evening, it helped me to pour my heart out to friends and family, and the evening was dedicated to saying goodbye to Annika & Juliet, which provided me with plenty of distraction.

On Saturday, 1.09.2018, the world looked different already. I had a great day with Ines: strolling, shopping, having coffee, going for a walk - it felt good!

It is exciting to constantly meet new people here and spend the entire day together as if it were completely natural. Talking openly and honestly about what occupies you, even though you have only known each other for a short time. I think that's the magic of 'traveling alone'.

When you are with your loved ones, you don't necessarily seek contact with new people. That's completely normal.

But my worries beforehand about whether I would really make good connections, etc. have been completely unfounded so far.

More to come on Sunday..
